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not at all, even though that may just be an opinion.. Ruining a child's childhood by not living his or her life, can create problems later.. Attention needs and wanting to party (only some people though party for needs). creating the dilemma that we deal with today known as reliving your childhood.

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11y ago

Yes, you are too young to be getting involved in relationships. No matter how mature you may be. wait until you are older and it will a more satisfying relationship:)

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Q: Do 9 year olds ment to have girlfriends and boyfriends?
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What kind of buisnesses can kids do. not including lemonade stands.Jobs for 11 year olds or 13?

Make poo in the toilet and take pictures of it and send it to their girlfriends or boyfriends

Can your ten year old son get a ten year old girl friend?

Depends on your child qualities and the girl quality. Also, many 10-year-olds can have girlfriends or boyfriends.

Should 10 year olds have boyfriends?

Yes if they are in love!

Are their any good dating sites for 10 year olds?

no i have not found one yet but it is OK to have boyfriends

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because of bloody gir and bc the show was ment 4 9-13 year olds but ratings showed tht 14 -16 year olds were wacting it more

What do 13 year olds get their boyfriends for Christmas?

What does he like? Guys tend not to look for that mushy stuff. Get him what he likes even if it's odd to you.

Should nine year olds have boyfriends?

If they want one there's no reason not to have one, and if they don't that's normal and fine as well.

How do 7 year olds get boyfriends?

At 7 years old, children are typically too young to have romantic relationships or boyfriends/girlfriends. It is important for children to focus on friendships, play, and school at this age. Encourage healthy social interactions and communication skills with others.

Can a girl that's 10 ask a boy to her boyfriend?

yes, when 10 year olds and people around that age say boyfriends and girlfriends they really mean people who just talk to each other a lot and go around the playground together... as long as the girls asking a boy thats 9,10 or 11 (i would say)

Who is responsible when your 15 year olds boyfriends mother signed a waiver saying she was 18 and got a tattoo. what can you do- can you hold the mother responsible?

Absolutely, she committed fraud.

Can 10 year old boys have girlfriend?

Yes, ten year olds can have girlfriends. Its not like its going to be a real relationship, where you hangout everyday. Its going to be a see you everyday at school relationship.

How many boyfriends are still with their girlfriends a year after baby born?

not very many because some guys are idiots and dont realize that the girl needs him to be there for her and her kid. but if your worried about it then just talk to your bf.