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America celebrates July 4th with parades and fireworks.

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Q: Do America celebrate July fourth with Parades or Fireworks?
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Related questions

Why do you have fireworks on the Fourth of July?

To celebrate the date of the US's independence.

What do people do more on the Fourth of July then the 5th of July?

On the Fourth of July, people typically celebrate Independence Day with various activities such as attending parades, fireworks shows, barbecues, and beach parties. On the Fifth of July, people generally do not engage in any specific activities related to the holiday, as it is a regular day after the celebration.

What do American people do to celebrate the Fourth of July?

Watch the Fourth of July fireworks! Eat hot dogs.

What are common ways to celebrate the Fourth of July?

go see fireworks,have a cookout,go swimming

Why are there parades on the Fourth of July?

There are parades on the Fourth of July because it is a special day for Americans. It is special because it is the anniversary of the day, way back in the 18th century when we become free from the British Parliament. Other than parades, there are also festivals and firework ceremonies to celebrate the special day.

What states celebrate the fourth of July?

All fifty states of the United States of America celebrate the Fourth of July.

How do American celebrate independence day?

Fireworks, parades, picnics, parties, having fun and watching the movies "1776" and "Yankee Doodle Dandy" on Turner Classic Movies. Listening to someone read the Declaration of Independence at a public place.

Why do you light fireworks on the Fourth of July?

It's a traditional thing for the independence of America or something. :)

Where do people celebrate the Fourth of July?

the United States of America

How do yu celebrate the Fourth of July?

anyway you want to as long as its safe and fun. I usually celebrate it with a huge fireworks display, pool party, and a lot of good food and friends.

What do canadians eat on Canada day?

Most people celebrate the Fourth of July with a friend and family barbecue, in which you just enjoy the day. By night time you either are an audience to a fireworks show or you enjoy yourself by shooting off some of your own fireworks.

What is the Fourth of July in America?

It is the day that we Americans celebrate our independence from Britain.