

Do Americans like Mexicans coming to their country?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Do Americans like Mexicans coming to their country?
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mmm Mexicans? he was not a racist biggot like most Americans

How do you get Mexicans to like you?

By speaking Spanish and learning how to dance, Mexicans like that ;) it improves your chances...lolJust like you would anyone else. Be yourself and not judgemental. Have compassion to the new comers (if thats the case) but if theyre americans (mexican-americans) you'll have no trouble. lol

Do Mexicans get chickenpox?

People of all nationalities are susceptible to chickenpox. Mexicans get chickenpox, like those from any other country.

Do Mexicans like Americans?

Yes,we LOVE Americans ,I lived there science birth until 5yrs ago I moved to Texas.But I remember that every time we saw an American or heard about one around,we would freak out and immediately want to talk to them,we usually aren't like the US that there is a lot of races and religions.we barely see someone from out of the country,I saw one at most 3 times a year.I remember that in games where you have to choose the flag or country you want to play by Mexicans always chose Americans because as we put it,there cooler.

Do Mexicans beat US?

On which terms? Sports? Warfare? Actually Mexicans are just like Americans or Europeans: there are good people and bad people in all regards.

Do Mexicans sleep in hammocks?

While hammocks are popular in some regions of Mexico, not all Mexicans sleep in hammocks. It depends on personal preference, cultural tradition, and geographical location. Some Mexicans prefer to sleep in beds like people in other countries.

Do people of Spain like Mexicans?

Yes they do; however you can't generalize, as it is just like saying "do people from England like Americans?"

Do Mexicans hate polish people?

We don't hate Polish People. Almost all Mexicans are Nice people. we like alost every person in the Earth Some Mexican people Hate Yankees(Because of the Land that they took in 1848), Central Americans(Some are Racist against us), Argentinians (For Stupid Reasons) Spaniard (Because they was Coilonizers) Very Few Mexicans hate Chinese (They are cruel with Animals, and we love Animals) South Americans (The latin American people hate each other for stupid reasons) and maybe France (because they Invade us like a lot of times) But we why should hate Poland? we like their Girls and some Mexicans even like the Polish Culture. Many Mexicans like Germany and Russia (Historical Enemies of Poland, I think), but we could never hate a country that had no harm us. Don't worry, Mexicans have a Positive Stereotype of Poland, maybe because of Pope Paul II.

Why dont Americans like having Mexicans in their country?

Very few stand in opposition to the presence of Mexican Americans or to Mexicans who are present as tourists, students, guest workers or in any lawful manner. Most object to anyone who breaks the law. Criminal behavior should not be taken lightly in any society, not by anyone. Most US Citizens are law abiding members of thieir community. Those that fail to measure up to that standard are hopefully placed in the hands of the Nation's Law Enforcement, Judicial system and prisons just as they are in other countries.

Why do Americans hate Mexicans?

They don't. Many Americans see nothing wrong with Mexicans and vice versa, though the ones that do see fault with one another tend to speak the loudest and are given the most attention, so it seems everyone hates each other.Those Americans who do hate Mexicans often cite one of the following grievances:Economic Issues: Mexicans are viewed to be "stealing" American jobs from "real" Americans.Linguistic Issues: Mexicans typically do not have a strong command of the English language and many Americans do not feel that they should have to learn a second language to communicate with immigrants, especially since their ancestors had to learn how to speak English too.Physical Danger: Mexicans have a higher percentage likelihood to be involved in gangs than White Americans and the view that Mexicans are dangerous is reinforced by the US media. People do not want their neighborhoods to become more unsafe.

How do Mexicans celebrate the Mexican independence day?

Mexicans usually celebrate their independence day with honor and pride just like Americans on 4th of July. some of the things they do is fireworks, drink, party, family reunions. etc.

What do Americans think Cinco de Mayo is for Mexicans?

we think its just a nother excuse for wet backs like yourself and hicks like us to get drunk and party