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Q: Do Animal hibernate to find a safe place to reproduce?
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How does hibernation help an animal meet its needs?

the reason animals hibernate is because they can't find food in the winter. Hibernation helps the animal stay healthy because the fat that had been stored in the summer and spring provides it with enough energy to last it until the next spring.

Why do animal move place to place?

animals move from place to place because -1)in search of food and shelter.2)to protect themselves against adverse climatic conditions.3)to protect themselves from enemies and their predators.4)to find suitable partners for reproduction.Animals migrate to reproduce, eat, or seek warmer climates.

Do Wasps hibernate in the earth of house plants?

No. Only young queen wasps hibernate, and they find a sheltered, dry place such as under the eaves of a house, or in a hole in a tree. The rest of the wasps die when cold weather comes.

Do wasp hives die in winter?

Newly-mated queens leave to find a place to hibernate through the winter, the rest of the colony dies.

Where does a giraffe live and hibernate?

They live on the African savanna and do not hibernate.

When does hibernation start?

Well, animals that hibernate need to start storing up food in mid autumn and need to find a comfortable sleeping area to hibernate in by the start of winter.

When animals travel from one place to another are they hibernating?

No, when they hibernate they find someplace to sleep for 6 months during the winter. Animals travelling from one place to another are "migrating".

What animal lives in lair?

A lair is nothing but a resting (and nesting) place for an animal.

Where is the best place to find kittens?

at the animal shelter or a pet shop

Where is a good place to rescue puppies?

The best place to look in order to find a puppy or other animal looking to be rescued is at your local animal shelter or pound. You can find a list of local shelters online at Petfinder.

Where do turtles find it easier to hibernate?

somewhere warm and in the ocean!