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The male fishes do eat each other. It is also possible that the betta might fight and/or eat other fishes that are kinda like themselves (like fishes with long fins for example). However, it is likely for the male betta to mate if you put female betta fish with him, but I have read some where that they might just get eatten... I have also read that after they mate, it is very likely for male betta to eat female betta. In addition, after the baby bettas are born and grew a little, you HAVE to separate them from the daddy betta, unless they will get eatten.

Hope this helps!


I would just like to tell you that male fighting fish will kill each other, but they do not eat each other. They will not harm any of your other fish, even if it is a guppy, even if they do guppys are to fast. They may chase your fish if they come to close or annoy him but they will not harm another. Generally they tend to chase fish with long flowing tails as they interpret them as another male fighting fish when they see this. When a male and female are put together the male will chase the female, if the female will not mate. The female is not threatened by the male though as she has a temperment just like the male, sometimes the male and female will not get along and there is a possibility they will need to be separated. Any fish will eat the fry even the mother so that's when breeding nets are to be put in place as it will ensure that fry have a chance of living. Yes the male will get angry with the female after they mate as she will no longer want him and he no longer needs her, so it is recommened to only put the male and female together when breeding. If you do have a big tank above two foot then they have enough room to be in the same tank.



I agree with the last post as far as being able to keep them together and they definitely don't eat each other, but even when they do want to mate, the male will chase the female and nip at her. Its part of the breeding process. He will chase her while building the bubble nest and she will become filled with eggs. When she is ready to breed she will begin to "stand on her head" (appears as though the eggs are causing her to be lighter in the back end). He will try to chase her to the bubble nest by nipping and pushing. When she is ready she will "bow" in front of him and he will "embrace" her by wrapping his body around hers and squeezing the eggs out. She will appear paralyzed while he scoops the eggs up and places them in the bubble nest. She then needs to be removed or she may eat the eggs. I breed bettas and they are facinating to watch. It is rough on the female betta and she may need treatment to prevent infection from torn fins but other then that she can survive. I breed them in a 10 gallon tank by placing a betta bowl within the tank to keep the female in while the male flares and her and starts the bubble nest. This way she takes less of a beating and when she's ready it doesn't take long for the embrace and the eggs to be tended to. I always remove the male after the eggs become wigglers so they don't get eaten. Haven't given the male the chance to try. Also if you do breed you need to separate all the males that survive when they begin to show signs of which are males and which are females because they do become aggressive at this time. The females can stay together. Good luck.

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14y ago

NO. If you put a female (or several females) in the same tank as a male, no matter how large, the male will kill the females. If you want to know why they act like this, there is an explanation here:

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13y ago

Females are extremely calm and docile. They are not as violent as male bettas, and hide at the site of a male (unless they are mating). They are also smaller than males, so they will not fight.

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12y ago

Yes male Betta fish will fight each other because they are very dominant fish, Betta's are also called Siamese fighting fish because if you put a male Betta fish in a tank with another Betta they will fight sometimes even a male and a female Betta will fight one another unless they are mating but once there babies have hatched the male will eat them unless he is moved and then he will fight the female. Betta's used to be used for entertainment as well people would raise there fish and then put them in fighting contests for money and human satisfaction.

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15y ago

No, I don't believe so. They don't just die prematurely because they don't get to mate.

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Will a male betta attack a female?

Only male Bettas fight and they will only fight with other male Bettas. A male Betta will kill the female if she will not spawn with him. He will also kill her after she has spawned if she is not removed.

Will a male and female betta attack together?

Only male Bettas fight and they will only fight with other male Bettas. A male Betta will kill the female if she will not spawn with him. He will also kill her after she has spawned if she is not removed.

How do you know when male bettas wants to fight with female bettas?

His gills will flare up.

How should you situate a male and female betta fish?

Male and female bettas will not normally fight each other; males will fight other males. The attached link below is a page with great information on the breeding of bettas.

What happens if you put a male Betta fish with a female Betta Would they kill or fight with each other?

You can NOT keep female and male bettas together! Male bettas can get very aggressive and will fight to the death. Make sure to separate your bettas.

Do bettas fight for weman?

yes bettas do fight for the woman that is y u only puts one male and one female in a tank together. but no more than one male.

Why do male bettas fight?

because it is territory or maybe if they both want to mate the same female they will fight and the winner goes to the female if she allows it

Female betta and a male betta and they keep fhigting?

All bettas will fight each other, male or female. Always keep them separated.

Will female and male bettas fight if you are not trying to breed them?

they will breed anywy and fighting is in the process of them mating.

Do betta fish fight with other breeds of fish?

No. Male Bettas only fight with other male Bettas.

Do girl betta fight each other?

NO female bettas do not fight each other

Do bettas kill guppys?

Bettas will eat baby guppys as will most other fish, but in general, male Bettas will only fight with other male Bettas. They do not fight with other species of fish