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No, they pray on their knee's. Their preparing for their heavenly fees.

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14y ago

If there's a mat around it'd probably be more comfortable.

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Q: Do Buddhists pray on mats
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Buddhists do not pray, they practice, and the theory is that they should practice everywhere, all the time, without limitation.

Why do Buddhist people pray?

Prayer is not something the Buddha encouraged. If Buddhists pray it is a personal choice to do so.Answer:Buddhists do not pray. Prayer requires something (a deity) to pray to. Buddhists have no deity which impacts their lives, so prayer would be pointless.

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When do Buddhist pray?

Buddhists do not have a specific time when they are supposed to pray. Rather, each individual may cultivate a prayer or meditation ritual based on a schedule that suits their life.

what are the mats that Muslims pray on called?

It is called rag or "Sejjadah"

Why do muslims pray on mats?

Just to be more sure of the cleanliness of the floor they pray upon. It is not a religious obligation.

Do buddhists go to church?

No but they go to a temple to pray or meditate.

Do Buddhist have candles when they pray?

Buddhists do not pray as they have no deity. They may meditate and candles or incense may be present.

What other religions pray?

a lot of other religions pray. Muslims Hindus Buddhists Jews they all pray but they do it in their own special way.

Why do some Buddhists pray and others do not?

Because those who pray, they do so on behalf of all the sentient beings of this universe.

How often during a day do bhuddists pray?

varies between different sects of Buddhists. Nicheren Buddhists for one typically pray twice a day morning and night Buddhism is a very varied religion There is no hard and fast rule

Do buddists pray in a temple?

There are MANY kinds of Buddhists. Some pray in temples, others don't. For example, some Buddhists focus more on seated meditation (at home, at monasteries, in the forest, at centers, and possibly at temples) while others focus on following the Buddhist teachings in their everyday lives.However, there are also millions of Buddhists who do pray in temples. This is especially common in Asian countries with large lay populations.