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Yes, Catholics do believe that. They are the source of all Christian beliefs.

Roman Catholic AnswerOf course Catholics believe that God created everything out of nothing. For a full discussion of these you may read the Summa Theologica by St. Thomas Aquinas from the thirteen century.
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Q: Do Catholics believe that God created the universe and us?
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What god create the universe?

The question is rather confusing, assuming it asks what god created the universe, that is a matter of total opinion. If you are Christian, Muslim, Jewish you will likely believe that God created the universe, not 'what' God. I personally believe that the universe has existed forever and will exist forever.

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God gave each person the ability to think and make choices. That includes choosing what to believe and what to question.

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We believe in the One God who created the universe and gave the Torah.

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If you believe in God then God created the universe

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Islam believed that God but not Jesus created earth. They believe that God is not Jesus.

What do the Jews believe God created?

The universe (Genesis ch.1).

Are you a athesist?

No, why would i be one? I believe in God and how he created everything in this universe.

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Deists believe that God created the universe but hasn't interacted since.

Do Catholics believe in Jehovah?

Jehovah is a name for God. Catholics believe in God. They just don't generally use Jehovah as a name for God, but it is the same God. So yes, you could say that Catholics believe in Jehovah.

When god created the universe?

We can not prove that god exists or if god does not exist - belief in god is a matter of FAITH not fact. Therefore it follows that we cannot say when or if god created the universe - believe whatever makes you feel good.

When did the universe created?

We can not prove that god exists or if god does not exist - belief in god is a matter of FAITH not fact. Therefore it follows that we cannot say when or if god created the universe - believe whatever makes you feel good.

Does judaism have gods?

We believe in One God, who created the universe. We have no "gods" or idols.