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No, this is a false belief, Anyone who is Catholic is a Christian themselves, If they believe other Christians are going to hell just because they are not part of Catholicism does not know anything about their religion. Catholic is just another branch of Christianity.

Roman Catholic AnswerCatholicism teaches that no one, definitely, outside of Satan, is in hell. Further, that is between God and each individual soul. Commonly accepted teaching is that far more people will be going to hell than heaven, as Our Blessed Lord spells out in the Scriptures, and as Our Blessed Lady said at Fatima. But, Catholics are not to judge anyone else's souls, but leave judgment to God.
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For a Catholic there are three distinct things which happen in the spiritual life:


1) Redemption: this is what Our Blessed Lord did for us on the cross


2) Justification: this is what we are doing throughout our lives, beginning with belief and baptism, and then continuing throughout our lives as we grow in the love of God and overcome our sinful natures.


3) Salvation: this is when you die and undergo the particular judgment where Our Blessed Lord judges you worthy to enter heaven or not.


Please note that salvation only happens after death, and, before death, we can know nothing about our own salvation: only Almighty God has that knowledge. We know that there are some people in heaven, these are what we call "Saints", for the rest we have no idea as that is between themselves and God.


On a realistic level, you are asking if Catholics think that non-Catholic Christians can be judged worthy to enter heaven. As I said, no Christian may judge another, that is God's job and we should sin if we were to judge another. However, Our Blessed Lord plainly stated that most people do not go to heaven (are not saved), read St. Matthew 7:13:14 "Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat. How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it!"


Our Blessed Lord has given us this life on earth to "... with fear and trembling work out your salvation." (Philippians 2:12), it is not an easy road, even with all the help He has given us in His Church. "Christians" who are not Catholics are at a great disadvantage as they must go through life without the support of the sacraments, which is the way in which God gives His Grace to us, and without the guidance of the Church, which Our Blessed Lord established just for this purpose. Therefore Catholics believe that all other people may be saved, God loves all and is trying to make this possible for all people, even if through an accident of birth they were born outside His Church, but that it is extremely difficult even in His Church, how much more difficult is it outside of that Church?

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Q: Do Catholics think other Christians are saved?
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