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They are capable of eating insects, small fish such as goldfish, small mammals such as "pinky" mice, and certain vegetation. Some people also offer small lizards such as anoles to their dragons as a food source. So to answer your question yes they will eat other small lizards. The answer to the question: Do dragons eat other lizards is NO, they do NOT!!!

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12y ago

ALL animals have the capability to bite. They usually only do so if threatened or cornered.

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No!No! they are very friendly and pretty!:p

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yes they have teeth

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Q: Do Chinese Water Dragons eat other lizards?
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do beard dragons and water dragons get along?

Noooo! you can not keep any other lizards with bearded dragons, bearded dragons need to be kept alone

For my birthday i will be getting a new lizard i have a gecko but would now like something bigger i really like bearded dragons and Chinese water dragons can you suggest any other good social lizards?

Social lizards ? The ONLY lizard you should be putting in with a gecko - is another gecko - and then only if (a) you want to breed or (b) they're both female. Two males together will fight !

Are beaded dragons decended from dinosaurs?

Bearded dragons are lizards, and, like dinosaurs, lizards are reptiles. However, no lizards, including bearded dragons, evolved from dinosaurs. Birds, on the other hand, evolved from small, feathered, insectivorous or meat eating dinosaurs that lived in trees.

do bearded dragons and water dragons get along?

The most probable answer will be a no. Be more specific with what species of gecko, or what species of chameleon as there is multiple species of both animals that range from different parts of the world.

Is the giant dragonfly extinct?

No they the dragon is not exstinct there is still the comoto dragon

Why are some Chinese Dragons bigger than other Chinese Dragons?

In Chinese culture, the size of a dragon often represents its power and status. Larger dragons are typically associated with higher ranks and greater abilities, such as controlling the weather or bringing prosperity. The variation in size might also be influenced by regional folklore and artistic interpretation.

How do you find dragons and where?

There are such creatures as the Komodo Dragon that live in Indonesia and other lizards elsewhere. Dragons as depicted in movies and fairy tales do not exist and never have.

Does dragon really exist in any part of the world?

Dragons of the fire breathing kind sadly do not exist, but on the other hand, there are large lizards which people call ''Dragons'' such as Komodo Dragons. No all of the dragons died

What lizards make good pets?

I say the leopard gecko would be a the best choice for a pet lizard. Reasons: They're inexpensive, nocturnal (you won't miss out when your at school), and their food is inexpensive. I have my own leopard gecko named Draco. I hope you take my advice!

What other reptiles can live with water dragons?

Hard question to answer as "living with a snake" conjurs up visions of taking up a home with a snake. Snakes can share a habitat with other reptiles of any kind depending on type of habitat. Many reptiles may also share their types of refuge such as stumps holes, abandoned animal burrows, caves, etc.

Where do Chinese dragons appear in Chinese culture?

Mostly during Chinese New Year and some other festivals. Especially this year's Chinese New Year because it is the dragon year. Dragons appear in many different kinds of art as well.