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Q: Do Cubans believe in cremation
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Do pentecostals believe in cremation?

Pentecostals do believe in cremation.

What do Cubans believe in?


Do any Jews believe that cremation is acceptable?

Some secular and Reform Jews think that cremation is acceptable.

Did Cubans believe in a gods?

They all had different beliefs.

What do Seventh day Adventists believe about cremation?

It is a personal choice. Cremation is one way for the body to return to dust. (See Genesis 3:19.)

Cremation is more important that burial in which religion?

It is more important among the Hindus as they believe that if they do not do it , their soul will not get peace.

What is the meaning in Chinese the green bone after cremation?

Certain bones will have a lime green tint after cremation most likely due to the presence of certain metals. The Chinese believe a person with this color bone after cremation was a good person during their lifetime.

Can ashes from a cremation be checked for drugs that were given to someone without knowing?

I believe the question aims to see if the deceased person was given any drugs prior to their death and after cremation wishes to see if those drugs would remain in the ashes. Cremation would generally destroy all compounds except carbon, nitrogen, and some others. Thus, I believe the ashes would not test positively for anything.

cremation price?

cremation prices

Where do the spirits of people who don't believe in God go when they die?

Into the ground or into a cremation furnace the same as everyone else.

Do they have cremation services in mosques?

No, cremation is not allowed in Islam.

What event that happened in April 1961 led the Cubans to believe that US was considering overthrowing the Castro regime?

the bay of pigs invasion