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Some secular and Reform Jews think that cremation is acceptable.

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Q: Do any Jews believe that cremation is acceptable?
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I believe the question aims to see if the deceased person was given any drugs prior to their death and after cremation wishes to see if those drugs would remain in the ashes. Cremation would generally destroy all compounds except carbon, nitrogen, and some others. Thus, I believe the ashes would not test positively for anything.

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The Jews. (Though strictly speaking, Jews do not believe that God is Jewish or that God has any religion.)

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Is cremation bad or good?

From the point of view of Islam, cremation is not acceptable. The concept is that Muslims show respect to mankind both living and dead. This is a way to minister to the welfare of people in this world and the world to come. _________________ From a position that is religion-neutral, cremation is neither good nor bad. It is one method of handling the very real and practical need to dispose of the dead. While completely respecting the positions of those who object to cremation on any grounds, it is generally not considered disrespectful by most. It accomplishes in several minutes what nature will accomplish eventually with any dead body-- oxydation. Some people object to cremation not on religious grounds but because of general squeamishness over the thought of their bodies being consumed by fire.

How is pet cremation actually done?

Pet cremation is done like standard cremation. The body is first certified to not have any dangerous items, such as pacemakers. The body is then burnt in an incinerator and the ashes collected.

How are Nazis and Jews alike?

Nazis and Jews are not alike in any way. Those people who say or believe that Nazis and Jews are alike are not only wrong, they are intolerant and bigoted. Nazis, the followers of Adolph Hitler, discriminated against Jews, and murdered or tortured many Jews in the Holocaust. Ask any Holocaust survivor, and they will tell you how the Nazis harmed the Jews. They will also tell you that Jews are not Nazis, and are not like the Nazis in any way.

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Jewish converts are welcomed by all Jews, though generally speaking, Jews do not encourage people to convert because they do not believe there is any such need to do so.

How much do the Jews believe in God?

There are several million Jews living in this world, some of whom are as deeply religious, and as deeply believing in God as any person of any religion can be, while others do not believe in God at all, and of course, there is also every shade of belief, or of disbelief, in between. If you were to ask how much do Christians believe in God, or Muslims believe in God, the answer would be the same.

Is Jesus known as the God of the Jews?

Perhaps in Christian belief. In Judaism, however, there is no such concept. See:Why didn't the Jews believe in Jesus?What do Jews believe about God?

Does the cost of dog cremation vary from state to state?

The cost of dog cremation does, indeed, vary by state. In general the services in any particular area will be shared by a number of different vets.