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No they want it corrupt so they can rule because they think we are a bunch of idiots

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Q: Do Democrats want election reform
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After which party convention did the Democrats force major changes in the presidential nominating process?

1968 - After Humphrey narrowly lost the 1968 general election to Richard Nixon, reform-minded Democrats forced changes in the nominating process.

What did southern democrats want in the election of 1860?

The Southern Democrats Supported Slavery & They Elected John Breckenridge As Their Democratic Presidential Candidate.

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The 1932 election.

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Ross Perot was the Reform Party candidate in the 1996 presidential election.

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The Republican Party was divided when Theodore Roosevelt left to join the Progressive Party ticket, and many voters were attracted to Wilson's reform package.

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He had a large majority of Democrats in Congress -apex

Who was the Reform Party candidate in the 1996 presidential election?

Ross Perot was the Reform Party candidate in the 1996 presidential election.

Are Democrats for health care reform?

Yes. I think, generally, Democrats, as a party, would like reform, but I am sure there are individuals who may not. Just as a number of Republicans I know would like reform as well, but the Republicans, as a party, does not seem to be in it as much.

Who were the democrats running for the nomination in the 1960 election?

That was JFK.

Why did the democrats split into the northern democrats and the southern democrats during the election of 1860?

The groups disagree about how slave laws should be decided in the territories

1864 in presidential election the democrats?

The person who won the 1864 presidential election was Abraham Lincoln.

What is the exact count of Republicans and Democrats in Congress as of the 2010 election results?

House = 183 Democrats and 239 Republicans Senate = 46 Repulblicans and 49 Democrats, plus 2 independents that caucus with the Democrats and are typically counted with them (bringing the total to 51)