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Q: Do Denouement and catastrophe refer to the same thing?
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What is the different between the resolution and the denouement?

There is no difference. They are one and the same thing both meaning the point where the main conflict is settled one way or another even, as sometimes happens, the exact resolution is nor made specific but is left to the imagination or interpretation of the reader. In literature, especially for short stories the terms are interchangeable.

How can the same historical event be known as a war of independence and a catastrophe?

Whether or not an event or series of events is a good thing or bad thing depends on perspective.

Are trade and commerce the same?

As abstract nouns they refer to the same thing; the latter is borrowed.

How do you beat surviving high school '08 episode 2.10 Another Catastrophe?

I am wondering the same thing. I don't think there is a perfect way to play it.

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yes they just refer to a same thing

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no they dont

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Yes, they refer to the same thing.

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No, they refer to the same thing: kilograms

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cubic centimeter, It's one and the same thing as a milliliter.

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The terms menses and period generally refer to the same thing: menstruation.

Looking for words that mean the same thing as mischief?

Some Synonyms for mischief: misbehavior catastrophe vandalism high jinks for more look in a thesaurus website or a thesaurus itself.

Are a storage battery and a battery the same?

Yes, these terms refer to the same thing. A storage battery is a means of storing electricity.