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No, tiger barbs are aggressive fin nippers.

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Q: Do Dwarf Gouramis go good with Tiger Barbs?
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What does tiger barb eat?

Tiger barbs should be fed a good quality tropical flake food. You can get them online for a good price at

If you have 2 gouramus in a 5 gallon tank how do you get your gouramis to stop fighting?

Gouramis aren't really great fish to have together unless they have room to move around (e.g. at least 5 gallons per fish). Your tank is MUCH too small to have two gouramis, they're fighting for territory. If you don't want to return one to the fish store, then you should definitly just get a bigger tank. Unless you have dwarf gouramis, you should have them in at least 20 gallons. It also depends on what kind of gouramis you have. Some are more social and are more likely to school (dwarf gouramis, pearl gouramis) whereas others prefer to be top dog (opaline gouramis, blue gouramis). Good luck!

What would be good tank mates for 9 tiger barbs?

its great you have so many barbs as they are not likely to be troublesome in the tank if they are in such a large group. Choose a fish that dos not have long fins with a similar temprature and pH requirement ect.

How long does a tiger barb live?

Barbs, including the green tiger barb, are external free spawners. This means that they do not carry fertilized eggs, but that the eggs are fertilized externally. Females will develop eggs when they are in good condition; meaning good water quality and well fed. Essentially they will carry eggs until they are triggered to spawn. If they are not triggered to spawn, the eggs will often be re-absorbed and used and nourishment.

What are tiger barbs?

Tiger Barbs are a large type of tetra which means it is a schooling fish and they do better if you have more than one.They can grow to be two inchs long and have orange and black stripes it also has a small black spot in between its last stripes.They do best in small schools and like plants live and fake they can bite other fishs tails but are pretty good in large tanks with other fish in them.

You have two tiger barbs in your fish tank They are chasing each other in circles and than there lips are locked Are they mating?

Sounds more like they are fighting. Two tiger barbs is not a good idea. They are fairly aggressive, schooling fish. You should have at least six or eight to spread the aggression around and prevent them bullying each other, or the other fish in the tanks. If there is room in your aquarium, increasing the number of them will probably help.

What is a good combination of fish to live in a 3 foot tank?

you could have guppies angel fish neon tetras platties blue rams tiger barbs and and and mollies otto cats cherry barb

What are 3 diseases tiger barb can get?

All fish, including Tiger barbs, are susceptible to Fin rot (a type of infection caused by high ammonia or poor water conditions), fungal infections and bacterial infections. Broad spectrum fungicide/antibacterial treatments such as Tri-Start can alleviate outbreaks, however good water conditions and not overcrowding are the only real preventatives

What name is good for your dwarf hamster?

my hamster is called happy, and he is a dwarf. it realy suits him:(

What kind of fish are good tank mates for paradise fish?

They are OK with most Livebearers, Barbs and Tetras.

What are good names for a Bengal tiger?

the Indian tiger

Best pet fish?

well 1 male siemeese fighting fish is good other are dalmation mollys guppys are also good and if you have a large tank armored cat fish