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Q: Do English women have small mouths?
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Do Stingrays have teeth?

No stingrays do not have teeth. But vaccum-like mouths that suck small crusations like Shrimp inyo their mouths. No stingrays do not have teeth. But vaccum-like mouths that suck small crusations like Shrimp inyo their mouths.

Are mouths in anime edited to match English translations?

It depends.

Why cant a daddy long leg bit you?

Their mouths are microscopic, their mouths are literally too small to bite into your flesh or inject their poison.

WHY don't KOREAN women swallow sperm?

They are afraid of growing babies in their mouths.

Why do puffer fish have small mouths?

Puffer fish do not have small mouths. In fact they have a decently large mouth, they need this to fit their large teeth, which they chew on live rock to keep filed down.

What difficulties did hammerhead shark have?

the difficulties are that there mouths are to small and they cant fit large fish in there mouths so they have more of a chance of going extinct

How do you say you looking as a small girl?

Shut up brain mouths

What do the Cherokee hunt with?

Bow and arrows, tomahawks, and small axes

Can triops bite people?

It's not possible because they have small mouths.

How do marine hermit crabs eat?

They have small mouths. They eat with their claws.

How do you describe the shape of your mouth?

Since everyone's mouths are different, their descriptions will also be different. While some people have wide and big mouths, others have smaller and narrow mouths. The shapes of these mouths differ as well. These can range from big, small, wide, narrow, or even rigid.

How do scallops feed?

they open their mouths' and just wait until some krill or plankton, or other small sea creatures come by then they just clamp there mouths' shut and eat what ever is in there mouths' and then they just keep on this process