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Hamsters and cockatiels have no problems with each other, but contact between the two species should be fairly limited. Both creatures have mites that can transfer from one to the other; the cockatiel would need to be regularly sprayed with a mite spray and the hamster would need to be regularly washed as spraying would not get right into its fur.

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Yes they can be taught to like each other and live together as friends as long as there is not a behavioral history of chasing and hunting down rats, birds, or other small pets. If this has not happened...put the hamster in an area that the dog can see.... such as next to the sleeping area of the dog. He/she will start getting used to the new pet...everytime you catche him/her bothering the hamster in a bad way , spray his/her face with water or take a spoon and pot and clank it...when you see curious but not agressive behaviour PRAISE LOUDLY. Once a day allow the hamster out in a controlled area supervising the visit..use a water spray bottle or the spoon method to correct. In time it will be ok..

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Q: Do Hamsters get along with Cockatiels?
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Do cockatiels and Dogs get along?

My family has had cockatiels and dogs for as long as I can remember and they get along fine. Sometimes they even pick up each other's habits. For instance, our current cockatiel has no idea he can fly and follows the dog around by walking along the floor. Actually, I think this pair has formed a sort of alliance against the cat.

Does girl hamsters fight?

if they are syrian hamsters, yes they will! and they sometimes even kill each other however, if they are dwarf hamsters, they will usually get along if they are in groups

Do all hamsters get along?

no, not all hamsters will get along with each other. syrians cant live together as they will fight and possibly kill each other. dwarf hamsters are usually social but can end up fighting if there isn't enough room for them

Do hamsters get along in the same cage?

That depends on the type of hamster.

Do cockatiels have parasites?

Yes, cockatiels can get parasites.