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The Ferret will more than likely try to kill and eat the Hedgehog. Ferrets prey on small animals.

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Q: Do Hedgehogs and Ferrets Get Along?
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What hunts hedgehogs?

dogs wolf and badger

Why do echidnas and hedgehogs not get along?

It is not known whether echidnas and hedgehogs get along, as they are found in different continents.

Do ferrets get along with little kids?

Ferrets are not pets for little kids. Kids may hurt ferrets.

What is easier to take care of a hedgehog or ferret?

Hedgehogs are a low maintenance pets, as ferrets are high maintenance pets.

What are the dangers to hedgehogs?

Some dangers to hedgehogs are predators, being run over by cars, being attacked by other hedgehogs, having to deal with enviromental temperature, along with enviromental dangers.

What damage do Hedgehogs do?

Hedgehogs are small animals with spikes on their backs to protect them-selves from their predators, hedgehogs counted as pests, they can harm the newly planted trees and shrubs by using the their spikes. The government is removing the pests (Ferrets, Cats, Rabbits, Stoats, Hedgehogs, Fleas etc.) away from Motutapu Island because the pests hunt the native birds in New Zealand, and the other destroyed the plants on the island.

What was the name of the ferret in the movie 'Along came Polly'?

The ferrets' name in Along came Polly was Rudolfo

Do black footed ferrets get along with guinea pigs?

No, they would eat them

How do black footed ferrets act around other animals?

Well there is no difference between the ferrets but they get along well with cats and might bite the toes of other animals

How do you know if ferrets are getting along?

if they draw blood then they probably are not getting along, my ferrets play rough, they drag each other around by the necks and roll and tumble but they sleep together and play all the time. the ferrets make a hising sound but its just then communicating not a sound of anger.

Do you have to clean ferrets butt?

Not usually no. After going to the bathroom the ferret scoots its bottom along the ground. This cleans the ferrets bottom whilst also leaving some of the ferrets scent for other ferrets to smell.

Can female ferrets be kept together?

They can get along, but they don't get along as well as two male ferrets. Female ferrets, after they get spayed, are much more territorial than before they get spayed. If you are thinking of getting two ferrets, I suggest getting one male and one female. Of course, you should get them spayed and neutered, first.