

Do Hindus believe in any deities?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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no they don't acctualy they worship animals and don't eat meat

Hindus probably have the largest pantheon of Gods and Goddesses. Vishnu, Shiva, Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Durga, Ganesha, Kartikeya, Lakshmi, Saraswati, Parvati, Kali, are some of them. Hindus have a special softness towards cows. Just as the western world keeps dogs and cats as pets, a Hindu house normally had one or more cows, and used to get its supply of milk and milk products from them. The bulls up are useful in tilling the field or pulling the carts. Because of the usefulness of cow, hindus are prohibited from eating beef. Nobody likes to eat a pet which has grown up in the house.

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There are around 3crore deities in Hinduism. Some of the deities are : Brahma,Vishnu,Maheshwara(shiva) ; Saraswati,Lakshmi,Parvathi;

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No. Hindus do not believe in human sacrifice.

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