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Q: Do I get a clear reflection off a rough surface?
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Does light reflect off a rough surface?

It can reflect off a rough surface but the image is not clear ,causing an irregular reflection.

What is the reflection off a rough surface called?


Differentiate regular reflection from diffuse reflection?

Regular Reflection= Happens when light reflects off a smooth surface. Diffuse Reflection= Happens when light reflects off a rough surface. Reflection= The bouncing of waves, off a surface or and object

What is the difference between a specular and a diffuse reflection?

Specular reflection is when light rays reflect off a surface uniformly in a single direction, like a mirror. Diffuse reflection is when light rays reflect off a surface in many different directions, like a matte surface. Specular reflection creates a clear image, while diffuse reflection scatters light in all directions.

How is a reflection formed?

a reflection is formed when rays of light bounces off an object onto a smooth shiny surface (such that light rays are reflected off at the same angles) and reflects off it into our eyes.when the surface is rough there wouldn't be a reflection as lights rays from an object is reflected off the rough surface at different angles and does not enter our eyes

When light bounces off of a shiny surface what is it said to be?

When light bounces of a shiny surface, such as a mirror, this is called specular reflection.(Diffuse reflection is when light bounces of a rough surface, such as a wall. You can tell it's a rough surface because you can't see your reflection.)

Reflection from rough surfaces is what kind of reflection?

Reflection off of rough surfaces is called a perkokepuw.

Light from a smooth surface is what kind of reflection?

Light reflections off of a smooth surface are considered to be spectral. Light reflections off of rough surfaces are considered to be diffuse

Why do you not see your reflection when you look at a building made of rough white stone?

Because the surface isn't polished enough to reflect. If it was polished marble or any other polished stone, you might be able to see a reflection. It would be equivalent to getting a reflection from rough concrete, it wont happen. The rough surface of stone or concrete scatters the light reflecting off of it.

When light reflects off a rough surface it travels together in a different direction True or False?

True. When light reflects off a rough surface, the reflection is diffuse, meaning the light rays scatter in different directions. This is in contrast to a smooth surface where the reflection is more specular, and the light rays travel in a predictable direction.

What happens when a ray of light hits metal?

It reflects off it. If the surface is smooth you get an orderly reflection, if rough then a random scatter of light.

When does a surface reflect lights most clearly?

A surface will reflect light most clearly when that surface is completely smooth. Example of clear reflection: Look at the reflection on a lake when there is no wind or anything causing ripples or waves. The reflection is clear and objects reflected can be seen clearly. Example of distorted (unclear) reflection: Look at the same lake on a very windy day when there are many waves and other ripples on the waters surface. The reflections coming off the waters surface are hard or imposable to see due to the distortion of the reflection.