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Most vinyl mini blinds are uv resistant and take years to fade.

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Q: Do I have to worry about sun exposure on vinyl mini-blinds?
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Is exposure to the sun dangerous in northern areas?

Yes, exposure to the sun for long periods any where on earth carys the same risks. But we who live in the north don't worry to much about that for 6 months a year or more because its too cold to go without clothing to the point where you are exposed.

Will direct sun exposure damage the watch?

No, direct sun exposure will not damage the watch.

When will sun exposure be outlawed?

It is impossible, and will never happen. Sun exposure will never be outlawed, since the sun is unavoidable.

What happens before sun exposure?

before sun exposure you are your normal skin tone/color.

What can I do to prevent my truck interior and dash from cracking in the heat?

The best thing to do is avoid exposure to the sun. You can buy a windshield shade or use a vinyl (or leather) conditioner to keep the dash from drying out. You can also buy a dash pad.

How does over exposure to the sun impact cataract formation?

Cataracts can also result from exposure to the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays.

Is it safe to expose the watch to frequent sun exposure?

No. It is not advisable to frequent exposure of any kind of watches to the sun light.

At what point does the southern hemisphere have the least exposure to the sun?

The point where the southern hemisphere has the least exposure to the sun is the Summer solstice.

What point does the southern hemisphere have the greatest exposure to the sun?

The point where the Southern Hemisphere has the greatest exposure to the sun is the winter solstice.

What point does the southern hemisphere have the least exposure to the sun?

The southern hemisphere has the least exposure to the sun during the winter solstice. A+ Answer: Summer

What is marine vinyl?

Marine vinyl is a special vinyl fabric that is used in boats. It is designed to stand up to the sea, and the sun. It has special protection to keep it from fading and cracking as other vinyl's would if they were used on boats.