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It's your choice, provided that, if you do it, you do so in a safe manner which does not impede traffic (or impede it further than it already is). Being the vehicle already in the lane of travel, you have right of way. The merging vehicle is required to yield to you - not the other way around. However, there is no guarantee that they will heed by this, since the average motorist.... isn't exactly a rocket scientist, to put it lightly.

Added: If the line of traffic that you are in appears that it will cause you to stop in a position that will obstruct the intersection, preventing traffic flow, you must halt before you actually enter the interesection and not move forward until there is sufficient room on the other side of the interesection for you to move into.

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Q: Do I leave a space open for another driver to make a left turn into a road when I'm in the right lane of a long line of traffic?
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