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I am in the US Navy without a diploma. Have been for 7 years. Some people just like telling people "no", but you definitely can. The militar allows recruiting of 2% of its servicemembers without a High School Diploma. I think the program is called HP2.

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12y ago
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16y ago

It largely depends on their recruitment needs. However, if you are headed in that direction, go get a GED. You can get it done quickly and you will have no worries now or in the future about having a high school diploma.

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9y ago

You will either need a high school diploma or a GED. However, the military only accepts a very small peG to earn a high scho4ol diploma,HR4GE4GRE yREWAou could get online courses. here is a website that lists a whEGTe buncEed pretty good was called The American Academy. They have a GSTON of classes to choose from. So heGre is their website,too, just in case. theamerica4TWEG4nacademy

Good luck finishing school, no matter what you decide to do!

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15y ago

In today's Navy a high school diploma is considered a minimum qualification. Some waivers are granted for GED's but this is few and far between and your choice of rates (naval training) will be limited.

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11y ago

Either a diploma or GED is required; however, in the current recruiting climate, you really need a diploma, unless you've got a GED and score so high on the ASVAB that they can't ignore you. Either way it's no commitment to take the test, and you'll find out if they're interested or not.

The Navy recognizes that those who earn a GED aren't always just dropouts or kids who got tired of school. Some couldn't graduate for family concerns or other reasons. Having said that, the reason they prefer a diploma over a GED (unofficially of course) is that a diploma shows a basic level of commitment, and the military is a commitment itself. The other reason is that the military, and in particular the Navy, has become an extremely technical place, and most training courses are typical of college level courses. In fact, many of my old Navy courses over the years gave me quite a few transferable college credits.

The Navy expends a lot of money in training of its sailors, and they have to be reasonably confident when recruiting that the recruit can handle the training. Of course, in the end, it entirely depends on your ASVAB score - score high enough and they won't care one way or another. I wasn't that great in HS, but I scored really high and had my pick of career choices. Turns out HS just wasn't challenging enough - the Navy changed that for me, and everything since.

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13y ago

Technically the answer is that you don't, strictly speaking, need one. However, they don't take all that many people without one; you'll need to be pretty stellar otherwise in order to get in.

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15y ago

Yes you do need your high school diploma to join the air force.

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11y ago

No, you will need a diploma for all branches of the U.S. military.

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You don't need to, but it most definitely improves your chances. The military on the whole takes fewer than 2% of its recruits as high school dropouts, and it treats those holding a High School diploma or a GED as essentially equivalent.

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No you just need a high school diploma, Unless you are trying to join as an Officer then you would need a bachelor's degree

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US army accepts new recruits with high school or equivalent education. Yes you can join army with your high school diploma.

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Getting into the military without a diploma depends on which branch your son is interested in. For instance, the Navy he could not, but the Army he could join without a diploma.

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I think you are confused. JROTC is a high school course. So, no, you don't need a diploma to join. Maybe you are refering to college ROTC. If so, if you get into college, you can join ROTC. The J in JROTC means junior, by the way.

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