The Wehrmacht was the name of the armed forces of Germany from 1936-1945. It encompassed:the army, which was the " Heer "the air force, which was the "Luftwaffe "the navy, which was the " Kriegsmarine"The SS was not considered part of the "Wehrmacht "In this respect you had OKW - Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (high command of armed forces) and also OKH Oberkommando der Heeres (high command of the army).
Chu Van An High School - Ho Chi Minh City - was created in 1961.
Nazi soldiers were part of the Wehrmacht or the SS. See info below from Wikipedia labeled Wehrmacht - pronounced vair macht They served Adolf Hitler and the socialist party known as NAZI.Wehrmacht (listen) (help·info) (German: "defence force") was the name of the unified armed forces of Germany from 1935 to 1945. It consisted of the Heer (army), the Kriegsmarine (navy) and the Luftwaffe (air force).The Waffen-SS, the combat arm of the SS (the Nazi Party's paramilitary organization), became the de facto fourth branch of the Wehrmacht, as it expanded from three regiments to 38 divisions by 1945. The SS was autonomous and existed in parallel to the Wehrmacht; Waffen-SS field units, however, were under the operational control of the Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, OKW) or the Army High Command (Oberkommando des Heeres, OKH)
Ulyssess. Grant
The primary school attended by Adolf Hitler was called a "Volksschule," basically a school for the people. A volksschule was basically a nameless public school that was supported by the state. The secondary school he attended was called "Realschule" and was basically the equivalent of a technical high school.
High school diploma
no you can't join the armed forces while you are in high school
US Armed forces have their own training and educational infrastructure so they do take highschool graduates from recognized schools. Woodfield is an accredited high school and accredited high schools are considered recognized in the United States.
Yes, You have to take it
You have to be at least 18 to join any armed forces if you would like to join on your own, and have a High School diploma or GED. A parent's signature will enable you to join when you are 17 years of age.
The United States Armed Forces requires someone to be at least 17 to enlist. If they are not yet 18 they have to have parental permission. Most of them also require the individual to have a High School diploma or equivalency.
It is not hard to get your high school diploma. You just have to finish high school.
a high school diploma
Copy of diploma from Thrall High School Thrall,tx
You would not have to have a high school diploma to be a baker, but having a high school diploma might mean the difference between a company hiring or not hiring you.
There are many websites in the internet which you can earn an high school diploma. For information's about earning an high school diploma, visit
By graduating from High School. ......or u can go to some sort of adult school in your town and work out a high school diploma there