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Roman Catholic AnswerMay I suggest that you need some remedial education in the Catholic faith? I would suggest that you talk to your priest and ask if it was okay to sit in on the RCIA classes next year. In the meantime, I would get a Catchism of the Catholic Church and start reading. Yes, to be a Catholic (as these are minimum requirements, I do not think you could call yourself "good" by just meeting the minimum) you must receive Holy Communion once a year, during the Easter Season. Prior to that you must go to confession. To be a "good" Catholic, you should receive Holy Communion at every Mass you attend (the minimum would be once a week, preferably more) and are in a state of grace. At a minimum, you should go to confession once a month, more often if you should fall into serious sin. You should pray daily, morning offering, some mid-day prayer, and a examen of conscience at night. You should pray your rosary each day, spend at least fifteen minutes daily in mental prayer. In addition, you should spend sometime each day doing spiritual reading. Contact the Mary Foundation at the link below for a free brochure called "Seven Daily Habits for faithful Catholics".
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Q: Do I need to receive the Sacraments yearly to be good Catholic?
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What can you do to be a good Catholic?

Receive the sacraments regularly. Know Jesus, read the Bible, study the faith, etc.

Are all sacraments necessary to the Catholic life?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe only strictly necessary sacrament, without which one has no Christian life at all is Baptism. To live a good Christian life, one should regularly receive Penance and the Eucharist, and receive confirmation when of age. The sacraments of Matrimony and Holy Orders are only appropriate for those who have that vocation. And the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is helpful at the end or in sickness, but not necessarily required.

Can a catholic receive a funeral mass by a priest if they were not given last rites?

Yes. Sometimes it is not possible for a person to receive last sacraments (viaticum, anointing of the sick). That does not prevent them from a Catholic Funeral. As Catholics, in good standing, it is totally appropriate for them to have a Catholic burial.

What if Catholics don't go to Church every week?

.Catholic AnswerIf a Catholic deliberately misses Mass on a Sunday or Holy Day of Obligation without a valid reason (sickness, care of children, etc.) then he is in a state of serious sin and may not receive Holy Communion or any other sacraments until he has made a good confession.

Do you have to be a virgin to go for your confirmation?

Not necessarily, but, you do have to be a Catholic in good standing, to receive your Confirmation.

What does the catholic church think of the confirmation sacrament?

Like all Sacrmaments, the Church believes that it is a very serious commitment to receive Confirmation. You must be a Catholic in good standing, to receive this sacrament.

What do you have to do to get into the Catholic church?

Must accept God and do his will. Catholics in order to be good ones should follow the tennants of the Faith. That is, the basic teachings: belief in Jesus Christ's life, death and resurrection; believe in the Holy Eurcharist, the sacraments, etc.

Can an adult be confirmed in the Catholic Faith without a divorce annulment?

If a Catholic receives a civil divorce and remarries without an annulment from the Church, he/she could not receive any sacraments in the Church as the person would be considered as having incurred auto-excommunication. By his/her actions they have removed themselves from the Church. Until they regularize their matrimonial situation and make a good confession they are barred from receiving Confirmation or any sacrament.

Are the 7 sacraments required to get into heaven?

According to the Catholic faith, yes. But the Bible seems to clearly tell Christians that God is only looking for a personal relationship with His Son Jesus (often called Salvation or Being Born Again) in order to bring you into heaven, but I am very sure it wont hurt to do the good deeds of the 7 Sacraments. Ultimately you must decided who and what you will believe. If you trust the Catholic church is right - then do them sacraments. If you trust the Bible then find out who Jesus is and how to believe on Him.

How do you receive the holy eucharist?

Different Christian churches celebrate it differently. Most non-Catholic churches have an "open communion" where anyone can participate. Catholic churches require that you be a member in good standing.

What are some ways to restore the catholic faith after it has been lost?

There are a few ways.1) First, find a priest and make a good, long confession.2) Find a Catholic church and begin going to Mass on Sundays, and other days as often as possible. Receive Communion at Mass whenever possible, but only if you have not eaten for at least an hour before.3) Establish a time each day to say some type of prayer. If you do not pray, your faith will fail, guaranteed.***note: if you have not received every sacrament up to Confirmation, receive them before doing any of the above. ask any priest how you can receive these sacraments.***

Why cannot a person receive the sacrament of confirmation if she is not yet baptised?

Roman Catholic AnswerBaptism is a necessary sacrament. It makes an ontological change in you, after Baptism you are a child of God and are capable of receiving the other sacraments. Anyone who has been born in the human race is born in original sin, and in their natural state is incapable of pleasing God. If you participated in confirmation, or went to Confession or Holy Communion without being baptised, nothing good would happen because you are incapable of receiving those sacraments. Confirmation, in particular is like the second half of Baptism, it completes baptism. You are incapable of receiving any sacraments until you have been baptized.