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You absolutely have employement rights and are protected by law for medical leave. I highly suggest you contact an employment lawyer (who will give you a free initial consultation and represent you at no cost on a contingency basis should you get fired while on medical leave).

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Q: Do I really have no laws to protect me from losing my job if I choose to have cancer surgery and I am less than 1 year in my job?
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No,coz surgery is about operation and losing blood but not losing fat without surgery,fat is somthing that gained in our body

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Falling of hair is not the sign of cancer.

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Why cancer does not involve losing your hair?

its the radiation therapy it causes hair to fall out and some time they will shave it because parts fall out and it looks weird and some times to do brain surgery they need the head to be clean so they can see what their doing

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TO keep blood pressure under control

Where can I learn more about losing weight surgery?

I would suggest talking to your family doctor. This is because this type of surgery can be very dangerous to your health. Your doctor would be able to tell you the risks and benefits of this surgery.

Does Cancer mean losing hair?

Only if you have chemotherapy wil lyou loose your hair

Does losing weight before surgery decrease risk?

Probably; since being overweight creates its own complications. But you should avoid losing weight drastically. Do it gradually.

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Gastric bypass surgery has many complication afterwards. Losing your hair happens to be one of the complications.

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Really you can if you choose to but you risk losing them or breaking them

Is losing one liter of blood in surgery bad?

They usually replace the lost blood at the same time.

Does Slash from Guns N' Roses have cancer?

Guns 'N Roses' guitarist Slash's mother died after her losing a battle with lung cancer. Axl Rose has called Slash cancer. There is nothing in the media about him having cancer though.