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The credit agency you owe money too will not pursue you for the money until the statute of limitations is almost up. This allows them to keep tacking on interest to the full principle. Then they will sue you in court and garnish your wages. You will owe alot more money when that happens than you do now.

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Q: Do I still owe your student loan even if it is off your credit report?
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If you cosign for a student loan does it show up on your credit report before or after the student starts making payments?

It shows on your credit report even before they start making payments.

Does forbearance on student loans affect individual credit?

I was told by my student loan company (a direct loan from the U.S. govt) last year that even if I did not apply for a forbearance and still did not make a payment, the company would not report to the credit card companies until the payment was 90 days late.

Do student loans show up on your credit report?

yes, the private or federally guaranteed student loans will show up on your credit report. If you are delinquent or in default on your loans, you can get help with consolidating the loans at The loans will show up on your credit report, even if they are still designated as deferred. You will not owe anything until roughly 6 months after you graduate, and the loan status will change to active once repayment begins.

Will an error still show up on your credit report even when you're disputing it?

Yes, they have 30 days to validate

What does it mean when they say that your credit report is suppressed?

When you suppress your credit report, that means that anybody who pulls your credit report will get no information back. It will not even give the header that comes on the credit reports. So if you are looking to get some type of credit do not suppress your credit report.

If i you have bad credit can my kid still get a student loan?

Yes, your kid can apply for financial aid themselves, even if they have no credit or bad credit. Federal financial aid does not look at credit rating or employment status.

Is it possible to get student loans with bad credit history?

There are different ways that you can still get a student loan even if you have a bad credit history. These include getting a co-signer for the loan or you could contact banks and lenders and explain your situation to them.

Can you have a judgment against me even if its not on credit report?

Yes, a credit report only reflects the information which is reported to the 3 credit bureaus (Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion) by Lexis Nexis which they gather from court public records. Even if a judgement is not being reported by the credit bureaus, you may still be liable for it. To find out the status of a judgement, contact the court where the judgement was placed.

How to win a dispute ony credit report ony credit report that is not even mine?

You will have to contact each of the three credit reporting agencies separately in order to dispute charges and false information on your credit report that does not belong to you.

If you have an account that went to a collection agency however you paid it in full how long does it take for that collection account to be removed from your credit report?

It sticks for 7 years. The fact that it was turned over to a collections agency will make it to your credit report. When it is paid in full, it will say "settled" on your credit report so other creditors know you took care of the debt. Even so, it still haunts your credit report for 7 years.

Where can you find a transunion credit report?

To get a TransUnion credit report you can go directly to their website and fill out an application for a report. You can also find many companies that will help you get your credit report from all 3 major credit agencies for a small fee. Most even have a free trial!

Will a credit report still show as charge off even if you paid it off and have a 0 balance?

Yes and it will report that way until the SOL has run its course for the reporting time which is 7 years.