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Q: Do Japanese still practice the code of bushido?
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Who are the people who practiced Bushido?

The Japanese Samurai were the people who followed the code of Bushido. This was their code of Chivalry.

A code that the Japanese warriors lived by?


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Who was Bushido meant for in World War 2 for the Japanese?

Bushido was a code of conduct for warriors.

What is the Japanese warrior code for never surrender?


What was the code of Bushido of the Japanese samurai is mostly similar to?

It was similar to the code of chivalry of the knights.

What did they do with the code Bushido?

the Bushido code was a Japanese honour code, where the Japanese would commit suicide instead of surrendering. the did not believe in surrender and were taught to take their own lives as apposed to disobeying their honourable code. the Japanese therefor did not respect POW that surrendered and so treated them terribly, killing most of them.

What English word has a similar meaning to the Japanese word Bushido?

Honor Code

What did the Japanese military code suggest to defeated soldiers?

The Bushido code taught that it was more honorable to die than to surrender.

What was the strict code for the jappensse warriors?

The strict code followed by Japanese warriors was called Bushido, which emphasized loyalty, duty, honor, and self-discipline. Warriors were expected to show courage in battle, practice self-control, and adhere to the principles of justice and morality. Breaking the code was considered a great dishonor and could result in severe consequences.