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Yes! Of Course he does he is white you know not to be racist but he did live in the south and had slaves and some our actually alive to this very second

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Q: Do Jefferson Davis have any slave descendants?
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Did Jefferson Davis have a slave daughter Francis or Annie Morgan Davis?

No,He did not have any daughters named Francis or Annie Morgan Davis...

Did Jefferson Davis have any inventions?

no i dont thank jefferson davis had any invitions

Does Thomas Jefferson have any living descedants?

Yes, Thomas Jefferson has living descendants. This includes through his eldest daughter Martha Jefferson Randolph and her descendants.

What battles did Jefferson Davis participate in?

He wasn't in any battles.

Did Jefferson or Franklin have any illegitimate children?

It is said that each had at least one. Franklin is said to have an illegitimate son named William whom he and his wife eventually raised together along with their joint children. Recent genetic testing of the descendants of Sally Hemmings, a slave in the Jefferson household, indicate that the Hemmings descendants are related to Jefferson. Rumors that Jefferson had sexual relations with his slave had existed prior to his death, so many historians and experts take the genetic tests as proof that Jefferson and Hemmings did have joint children. This can't be proven at this point to an absolute certainty as the test only proved the descendants were descended from a member of the Jefferson family, not specifically Thomas Jefferson, but given the past rumors it seems likely that he too fathered at least one of Sally Hemmings' children.

Did Jefferson Davis have any children with slave women?

Jefferson did have a wife and I think 4 kids! You should visit the Monticello, Jeffersons home! It's in Virginia.

Did Jefferson Davis lead the Naval squadron?

Jefferson Davis, as Commander in Chief of the Confederacy was also the Commander of the Confederate Navy, but he didn't lead any Naval squadron.

Did Jefferson Davis have any nicknames and what were they?

yes he did yes he did yes he did yes he did yes he did

If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would?

Jefferson Davis

How many slaves did Jefferson Davis own prior to the US Civil War?

To be theoretically correct there were 187 slaves owned by Thomas Jefferson. One of these lady slaves, Sally Hemmings, had a total of 7 kids, only 4 surviving for any significant period of time. Sally's "relationship" with Jefferson cannot be thought of as consensual and reciprocal as she was, in fact, Jefferson's property and any refusal of his advances could have been punished with death.

Who served as the president of the Confederate States of America?

Jefferson Davis was appointed by the Confederate Congress to be the president of the Confederate States of America in 1861. At first he was the provisional president. Soon after, the Confederate Congress elected Davis to a six year term that could not be renewed. The Confederate Constitution called for a one term of six years for any Confederate president.

Is Donaldson a slave name?

While some people named Donaldson may have obtained the name because an ancestor was a slave of someone named Donaldson, it is not possible to say as a general rule that this or any other surname is strictly "a slave name" because all are used by descendants of former slaves and by descendants of people who never were slaves.