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No, they do not believe that.

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Q: Do Jehovah's Witnesses think autism is product of evil parents?
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Which parent passes autism?

Autism is believed to be genetic, it's more strongly linked to the father but can be a result of both parents genes. There are theories that Autism is not just linked to specific genes but to pairs of genetic mutations from both parents, that when paired result in Autism.

Is Autism inherited?

Autism can be inherited from parents with genes for autism. Autism can also be the result of the spontaneous mutation of a gene. It is suspected that a person with the genes for autism might need an environmental factor (in the womb or shortly after birth) to trigger the development of autism.

What is the correlation of parents with an Autism-asperger's child and divorce?

There is no correlation between Autism and divorce.Organisations such as Autism Speaks spread this myth to increase fear of Autism - suggesting that Autism is some terrible thing that breaks-up families in order to increase money people give them to eradicate Autism/Autistic people. There's no solid evidence to show that parents with Autistic children are more likely to divorce than parents with neurotypical children.

How does autism affect the parents relashionchip?

It is really important for parents to stick together on this. Discovering that your child has autism at first can be daunting, But you will find that autism opens up a whole new world of wonderful experiences that you never could have imagined. For more information: Available on amazon:

Can autism be autism hereditary?

There is no proven link between genetics or heredity and Autism, but parents who have one child with Autism have a 20% higher chance of their second having it also.

How do people get autism?

A person who has autism, is born with the disorder.but it is probably passed down from the parents,meaning that the parents have it and when the child was born it had it. i am explaining it because i don't want you to think it can be passed down like a cold. but it doesn't have to be they can just be born with it by themselves.

What are the Personality traits of parents of children with autism?

The parents of autistic children do not have a certain set of personality traits. They differ as with all people.

How could you die from Autism?

You can't die as a result of having autism. In some cases autism is so severe that autistic people may not see potential harm such as oncoming trafic or falling into rivers, but this is uncommon. The biggest risk with autism is not the autism itself but prejudice towards autism, unfortunately many parents murder their autistic children or autistic people can be abused to the point of being killed.

What are the controversial surroundings that causes autism?

There are no controversial surroundings that cause Autism, it's not caused by environmental factors.Autism is a neurological variation caused by a persons genes or genetic make-up from their parents.

What are the chances my daughter will have autism I have a 19 y o with autism my daughter is 7 months?

Your children would not 'have autism' they would be Autistic.As autism is genetic often siblings of Autistic children will be Autistic too, but this isn't always the case - autism does tend to be more common in males, and obviously it depends on parents genes. In girls autism is a lot harder to pick-up on and diagnose, so it may take some time to spot traits.

Does Maurice Moses psychologist work with young children with Autism?

Maurice Moses, behavior psychologist works with young children with autism. His approach is positive and proactive. He helps parents and teachers develop brain compatible instructional and behavior plans for young children with autism. He has worked with young children with autism for the past 20 years.

Can autism be inherited?

The current scientific information says that although they are yet to find the cause of Autism, it may be hereditary. This is due to the increased rate in familys, with someone affected by Autism, having another Autistic family member. It is also incredably common in identical twins for both to have Autism rather then just one. Scientists are currently trying to find what gene, if in fact it is a gene, that is causing Autism.