

Best Answer
  • Yes they do. You have to have a perfect reason to divorce first and if you decline the first time you have to stay with the person no matter what.

I could be mistaken but it sounds like the question is: If we are married before we join the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, do we have to marry again as Jehovah's Witnesses?


The question is a little ambiguous, however the first answer above is not correct. Jehovah's Witnesses are not required to get married or remarried in their own church (or Kingdom Hall), whatever the circumstances may be. Some Witnesses choose to have a legal wedding service in a register office, and this is perfectly acceptable. There is nothing particularly special about a Witness wedding service, and the important thing is that the marriage is legal in the country in which it takes place.

Most Witnesses prefer to marry in the Kingdom Hall, and unlike other churches, do not have to pay anything for this.

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Q: Do Jehovah Witnesses have to get remarried through the Jehovah church?
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