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Jews use the term blessed, but do not believe in karma as such.

Jews just use "blessed" for a more narrow set of purposes than Christians typically use it.

Jews don't use the word "karma", which is a Hindu word and is a concept that does not match Jewish traditions because of its implicit recognition of reincarnation and its correspondence with "dharma" which is a very "un-Jewish" concept. However, Jewish traditions teach that a person can expect to be treated by others, and by God, in a way which corresponds to his own behavior.

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Karma is a specifically Hindu concept, but Jews generally that what you do has consequences. Righteous behavior has good results and unrighteous behavior -- this is, sin -- has bad consequences. These consequences may be immediate, in this life, but sometimes, they may haunt us in the world to come. Some speculate that the whole idea of the world-to-come was invented as a way to deal with the fact that some of the righteous suffer and some sinners go unpunished during their lives. The question "why do bad things happen to good people?" raises one of the difficulties with this belief system. Jews have, at times, blamed the victim, saying that the bad things that happened must have been punishment for some sin. Jews have wrestled with this question since at least the time the Book of Job was written -- it is one of the central questions in that book.

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