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We don't believe in the existence of either heaven or hell. Judaism barely spends any time discussing what may or may not happen when we die, in fact, there's barely any mention of this subject in the Tanach (Jewish Bible) at all.

There are some loose theories of what might happen though:

* When we die, our souls are cleansed of any wrongdoings. This is done by our accounting of every action done in life. It's believed that this process takes no longer than 12 months but most people don't do enough bad in life to warrant it taking a full 12 months.

* Our souls return to HaShem to wait for the world to come.

* Our souls may be reincarnated into different people so that we have additional chances to work to become closer to HaShem.

* Those souls that choose to be truly evil in life, cannot survive the process of cleansing and cease to exist.

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Q: Do Jews believe in a literal heaven?
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The Jews believe that Paradise once existed: the garden of Eden. And some Jews believe that Paradise can be restored (especially the mystic sects), but in general, Jews do not believe in the Christian idea of Paradise (ie heaven) another answer: Paradise still exists today in the sense that there is spiritual reward for the souls of those who die and deserve reward.

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Yes, Judaism teaches of Olam Ha'ba, the world to come. This will be the time after hamoshiach has arrived and the world has come closer to being like gan eden. Please see the related link for an explanation.

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Whether or not ANYONE goes to heaven or hell depends on personal religious belief. The Jewish religion doesn't even believe in eternal hell.

Does judaism believe in hevaen?

Some Jews believe, some do not. The Old Testament (Torah) does not specifically teach that there is an after-life, but in general their beliefs have little in common with the Christian idea of Heaven, so in short, no.

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What do Jewish call heaven?

Jews don't believe in heaven or hell. They only believe in Sheol, a dumping ground for all dead people, good and bad. It was Jesus who introduced the concept of heaven and hell to the world. Many people use the term heaven and hell, but, it is really a Christian idea, not a Jewish one. Jesus was a reform Jew, but, the Jews in general have rejected Jesus and his teachings.