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Some Jews may personally believe that Jesus was a real, historical person, but do not believe that he was their promised Messiah, nor that he was the Son of God.

To further clarify, the Christian concept of Messiah simply does not exist in Judaism. According to the Tanach (Jewish Bible) God will never be man or son of man so the claim of a person being the literal child of God is a direct violation of God's word.

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Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (or "Mormons") do indeed believe that the Savior has already come to the earth, and that he will come again. He was born in the meridian of time to a young woman named Mary, and ministered to the Jews before being crucified and resurrected.

When the Savior appeared to the prophet Joseph Smith it was to begin the work of the restoration of truths and doctrines that had long been lost to the earth. We do not count this as his Second Coming because it did not fulfill all of the conditions prophesied anciently.

His Second Coming has long been foretold. The Church teaches that the time for the Second Coming is near, although the precise time is not known to mankind.

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Q: Do Jews believe that Jesus has already come?
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