

Do Jews like Jesus now

Updated: 8/19/2023
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9y ago

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Jesus plays no role in the life of Jews so we don't like or dislike him. It's a non-issue. Jews feel the same way about Jesus as they do about Buddha: just figure that is important to another faith.

The question implies that the problem between the Jesus and the Jews is that the Jews did not like him. This is not the case. The issue between Jews and Jesus is that Jesus did not perform the requirements to be a Messiah and actively violated some aspects of Jewish Law.

Individual Jews may like or dislike Jesus, but these are personal opinions and Judaism itself has no position on whether Jesus should be liked or not, only that if he existed, he was a failed Messianic Candidate (like Bar Kochba, Shabbetai Tzvi, and Menachem Mendel Shneersohn).

For a historical view, see this page:


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