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Q: Do Males or Females have a larger sex chromosome?
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What type of sex chromosomes do females have?

Female have two X chromosomes while males have an X and a Y chromosome.

What do males and females have?

Both have 23 pairs including sex chromosomes. . Males have an X and Y sex chromosome and females have two X.

what cell contain only one sex chromosome?

In males, sperm contain only one sex chromosome. In females, eggs contain only one sex chromosome.

Is the x chromozone a female one or male one?

The X chromosome belongs to both males and females. However, females have two of the same kind of sex chromosome(XX), and are called the homogametic sex. Males have two distinct sex chromosomes (XY), and are called the hetrogametic sex.

Chromosomes found in somatic cells and are perfectly matched in males and females?

In both males and females there are 22 perfectly matched chromosomes. The somatic cells in humans total 46 chromosomes. Females get the XX sex chromosome while males get the Y chromosome.

Which sex chromosome is present in both male and and female?


What best describes the sex in chromosomes in humans?

Males have two different chromosomes

What cell contains only one sex cell?

In males, sperm contain only one sex chromosome. In females, eggs contain only one sex chromosome.

Who determines the sex of a child?

The generally accepted theory is that males determine the sex because males can donate both an X chromosome or Y chromosome, while females can only donate an X chromosome to their offspring :D Hope this Helped

Which sex is the major contributor in DNA?

In humans, each sex gives exactly 23 chromosomes. The X chromosome, coming from females, has more base pairs that the Y Chromosome, coming from males. So in terms of DNA, females provide more base pairs that males do.

Why does wiskott aldrich syndrome only affect males?

I believe because it is linked to genetic x-chromosome sex-inherited trait, females have another x-chromosome whereas males do not

Why do more males end up with sex-linked disorders?

More males than females end up with sex-linked disorders because of the y chromosome. It is shorter than the x-chromosome, and increases susceptibility to these problems.