

Do Maltese dog's eat cabbage

Updated: 12/14/2022
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Q: Do Maltese dog's eat cabbage
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Is cabbage good for dogs?

A dog can eat cabbage but its a bad thing to do. Dogs were not meant to eat vegetables especially cabbage. If your dog does eat it then it will get a upset stomach and wont feel very well for awhile.

Is cabbage bad for you?

Yes, dogs can eat cabbage it is safe for them to consume. Many dogs like cabbage and it a healthy and nutritious treat for them.

What do Maltese dogs eat when their past 3 months?

Dog Chow

Do people eat Maltese dogs?

Normal, healthy, sane people don't.

What are Maltese used for?

What are Maltese used for? Maltese Dogs are tiny (7 pounds or under) companion dogs.

Can dog eat cabbage?

Yes, but if gives them very bad gas. If you do feed your dog cabbage, dont give him too much, he might stink up the house.

Can owls eat Maltese dogs?

Yes. Owls are excellent hunters, comparable to eagles and falcons.

What do Maltese like to do?

maltese dogs and puppys sleep

What time do you feed your Maltese dogs?

Some people feed their dogs at certain times during the day, but it should be fine to leave the food out all day--as long as you know that your Maltese won't finish it all in one bite (which it shouldn't b/c a lot of Maltese like to eat when their owners eat, so if you wanted to give it a schedule of when to eat, maybe a good time would be the same times you eat)

What is a Maltese and a Cavachon?


Are there a lot of Maltese dogs in Malta?

If they are born there (or are naturalized citizens) they are Maltese.

Is broccoli harmul to dogs?

Broccoli is very gas forming and not good for dogs to eat along with cabbage, cauliflower, onions, chocolate and sugar.