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Yes it is a tridation. In other countries too, but masked wrestlers are especially popular cult heroes in Mexico. They even make movies.

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Q: Do Mexican wrestlers really wear masks?
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Why do people wear wooden animal masks?

They want to enter young children's nightmares.

What does a wrestler look like?

Wrestlers as a rule of thumb should be well built. They must also reach other criteria such as their face appearing as if they spent their entire early childhood smashing it against a wall. Wrestlers over the years have decided to wear more and more skimpy outfits to such a point that they would make hookers blush. Along with that wrestlers cannot be ginger due to the fact that they are naturally frail. Wrestlers also always have tiny penises, no matter what else they may say, this rule holds true for all of them. All of them.

What is an African mask?

Sometimes for tribal celebrations and sometimes the have a mask that they put behind their head to make a "face" on the back of their head for safety reasons in the jungle because of Big cats usually only pounce on their prey from behind and doing so with the maks it confuses them.

Is it appropriate to wear slacks to an afternoon wedding?

It really depends on the weather, and if it is a formal or semi formal wedding. Plus don't wear black ones if you do wear slacks wear cream, or color......

What size tee shirt does Rick Springfield wear?

Trick Question - Rick Ross doesn't wear shirts.

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Why do wrestlers wear masks?

the truth is not all wrestlers wear masks but allot in Mexico do but they do it to start the people watching up in a roar it hides there identity like a super hero and earns the people in charge more money

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yes the aztecs did wear masks they wore it on sacrififxe

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Slipknot want to wear masks.

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Bakongo people wear masks for ceremonies, special days and festivals. i dont know why but...