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The monarch butterfly must lay their eggs on milkweed plants (Asclepias ), and the swan plant is listed on wikipedia as a type of milkweed. Most plants in the milkweed family produce flowers which the monarch can feed on. The caterpillars of the monarch butterfly can only eat leaves from plants in the milkweed family and will die without this food source. The milkweed plant is known for it's white milky sap, which contains alkaloids, latex, and several other complex compounds including cardenolides. Some species are known to be toxic. The caterpillars are immune to the milkweed sap and actually make themselves poisonous by eating it. The butterfly retains the milkweed poison as a defense against predators. Both the monarch caterpillars and the Monarch Butterflies use bright color patterns as a warning that they are dangerous to eat.

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Q: Do Monarch Butterflies live in Swan Plants?
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What country do monarch butterfly live in?

In America, Monarch Butterflies usually live in the southern parts like Alabama or Mississippi.

What do monarch butterfly's live in?

In America, Monarch Butterflies usually live in the southern parts like Alabama or Mississippi.

What part of the world does monarch butterfly live?

Monarch butterflies adapt to the tropical rain forest through natural instinct. The butterflies have a predetermined genetic makeup that allows them to adapt.

What sort of habitat surrounds the monarch butterfly and why does it live there?

Swan plants because of the juice and vitamins it has in the leaves. So when it lays eggs the caterpilliar has all these nutrients to survive

What is the food chain for monarch butterflies?

it is this, look up www.

Where do butterflies not live in the world?

Butterflies like to live where there are lots and lots of plants & flowers so most Butterflies would probably live in a meadow.

Does the monarch butterfly live in a dry or wet environment?

Monarch Butterflies prefer living in a dry environment. In the winter months it is imperative that the Monarch has a dry place to live or they can freeze to death.

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Some herbivores that live in the Grassland are, Monarch butterflies, Moose, and Deer

What do monarchs live in?

In America, Monarch Butterflies usually live in the southern parts like Alabama or Mississippi.

Where do butterflys live?

Butterflies don't really have a specific place that they live in, but a catapillar of a butterfly lives under leaves and on tree barks.They live all around the world!

Where would you find a monarch butterfly?

Monarch butterflies live in sub-tropical and tropical areas. They live in open places like meadows, fields, marshes and cleared roadsides.