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Muslims hold on to the basic belief that the lineage of prophets sent by Allah to lead mankind on earth started with Adam, pbuh right up to the last prophet Muhammad, pbuh. This lineage includes the greatest of prophets like Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, and Jesus, peace be upon them all.

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Q: Do Muslims believe that the line of prophets includes Jesus and culminates in Mohammad?
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Who was the founder of Muslims?

Muslims are Islam people. So,the founder of Muslims is Mohammad.

Who were the 4 prophets Muslims recognized?

The Muslims recognize all prophets (1,24,000 in number).

How are protestants and Islam alike?

Protestants and Muslims( Followers of Islam) have the same God and follow the same Prophets like Noah, Moses, Abraham, David, Solomon, Jesus. Muslims however consider Jesus as one of the Prophets, and not son of God, and Mohammad as the last Prophet and The Koran as the Last Testament and the Final Book from God

What prophets do Christianity and Muslim recognize?

Muslims, Jews, and Christian have the same God (Allah) and they recognize all the prophets who came from the time of Adam. The Jews on the other hand follow the Torah and the Old Testament and did not accept or believe that Mohammad (SAW) was a Prophet as he was an Arab. Christians on the other had believe that Christ was son of God, and some even take him as God. Muslims consider Christ as one of the great Prophets and that Prophet Mohammad (SAW), who came after Jesus was the last and final prophet. ______________________________________________________________ All God prophets are recognized by Muslims; including Adam, Noah, ..., Abraham, Isaac, Ismael, Jacob, Joseph, ..., Moses, ..., Jesus, and Muhammad (Peace be upon them). Christians believe in all God prophets except Muhammad. Most Christians believe that Jesus is not prophet; as Muslims believe; but they believe that he is God or son of God.

Did Islam originate in India?

No, Islam as known today originated in Arabia in the city Mecca. Buddhism is the religion with a large modern following that originated in India From the Islamic point of view, however, Islam originated with the life of the Adam of Genesis., Muslims believe that all prophets mentioned in the Koran , and the old Testament, as well as Jesus and Mohammad, were Muslims and their religion was Islam. Even original followers of the Prophets were Muslims .

How does Muslim belief in prophets influence the Muslim daily life?

how muslims belefs in prophets influences the daily of a muslims

How is Mohammad worshipped?

Prophet Mohammad is NOT worshipped in Islam. Instead, Muslims use him as a role model.

Why you pray to mohamed?

Muslims DO NOT PRAY TO MOHAMMAD (peace be upon him),Muslims pray to ALLAH.

Did the Prophet Mohammad have doctors?

What do you mean by that? Do you mean the time of prophet Muhammad or does he have medical aides by his side? I think there probably were doctors back then in prophets Muhammad's time.After Muslims did play a part in contributing to medical sciences.

What 4 prophets do Catholics share with Muslims?

The main prophets that Catholics share with Muslims are Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Jesus.

Who do Muslims folow?

Muslims follow Allah( God ). Mohammad is his only prophet according to Islam.