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That was not mentioned in the Quran. Many muslim women belive in that because it is a tradition in many Christmas.

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Q: Do Muslims believe you have to cover your face?
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What do muslims wear over their faces?

in Islam women should cover all their body unless their face and hands. but they can also cover their face but is not the must and is better. what is used to cover face has different names in different cultures. usually is called Burgha (Burqa)

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no of course not we believe he is the Unseen AND Unheard hes face is covered by the cutain of magesty

Who did the muslims believe in?

Muslims believe in Allah

How are Muslims dressed for prayer?

Clothes must be clean. Men must cover at least navel to knee. Women must cover all except hands and face (during prayer, women must show their face).

What is a Muslim compass?

I believe you are referring to a Qibla Compass. These are used to determine the direction of the Qibla, where Muslims face when praying.

People who believe in Islam are Muslims?

yes people who believe in Islam are Muslims

Do muslims believe in heavan?

YES Muslims believe in heaven and in Hell.

Muslims must face?

The Muslims must face holy Ka'abah while offering prayer.

Muslims must face what to pray?

Muslims face Ka'aba in Mecca to preform Salat (prayers).

Why are Muslims athiests?

Muslims believe in the god, Allah. Muslims are not athiests.

Do Muslims face Medina when they pray?

No. They face Mecca.

Do Muslims believe in the King James bible?

No the Muslims do not believe in the bible, they only have the quran.