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of course not , he is the last prophet and messenger from god .


Absolutely not. That's the whole point of God's message to humanity - from the time of Adam. God is the only god. There is no other god than God alone.

So the falsehood of making Jesus into a god is shown to be truly false. It is a man- made lie. Only God is god, and Muhammad is the Final Messenger of God.

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Q: Do Muslims consider Mohammad to be god?
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What are the history and beliefs of Islam?

Islam is made by the last prophet prophet Mohammad when prophet Mohammad came he spread the words "Allah is the only God" around the world. after that half of the Muslims the Shias believed the words Mohammad said came straight from God. Islam has one holy book which is the Quran. The Quran has written every thing a Muslim should know in his/her lifeIslam is a Religion, the guidance given to mankind by Almighty God. It is not 'made' by any prophet. Islam is the continuation of Abrahamic Religion-Judaism and Christianity.

Why do Muslims have pilgrimage?

it is one of the five commands we have from god

Where do Muslims come from?

Muslims are ANYONE who embrace Islam (religion)they are Chinese Muslims (originate from China), Indian Muslims (originate from India), Arab Muslims (originate from the Middle East), European Muslims (originate from Europe), African Muslims (originate from Africa)...and not forgetting Malay Muslims (originate from the Malay Archipelago - Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei)Muslims comes , "from Allah." (The Arabic word for god, a god, or the gods is "Allah") It is the word used by Christians as well as Muslims in the Islamic world

Why do people believe that Muslims believe in a different god?

I am a Muslim and we believe the same god is you but we say Allah (GOD)

How did mecca become a holy place for Muslims?

Mecca is the birthplace of the Prophet Mohammad. As such, it is the most holy city in Islam. It is located in western Saudi Arabia and is a city open only to Muslims. Most religious historians view Islam as having been founded in 622 CE by Mohammad the Prophet (circa 570 to 632 CE) in Mecca, when the angel Jibrael (Gabriel) read the first revelation to Muhammad. (Muhammad and Mohammad are alternate spellings for his name.) The Saudi government considers it a sacred duty to safeguard two of the greatest shrines of Islam, the holy mosques located in the cities of Mecca and Medina. Travel to Mecca and Medina is forbidden to non-Muslims. Muslims throughout the world turn to Mecca five times a day for prayer.

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Who is Considered to be a messenger from God or prophets by Muslims?


Who do Muslims folow?

Muslims follow Allah( God ). Mohammad is his only prophet according to Islam.

How are protestants and Islam alike?

Protestants and Muslims( Followers of Islam) have the same God and follow the same Prophets like Noah, Moses, Abraham, David, Solomon, Jesus. Muslims however consider Jesus as one of the Prophets, and not son of God, and Mohammad as the last Prophet and The Koran as the Last Testament and the Final Book from God

Do Islam people have a god?

Yes, in Islam, Muslims worship Allah (God). They believe he is the one and only and Mohammad PBUH is his final messenger.

What was Mohamed's message to the Muslims?

Phophet Mohammad's message is to all mankind. Anyone can be a Muslim once he/she recognize that god/allah is one, and worship him alone, and that Prophet Mohammad is his messenger.

Why don't they draw Mohammed and angels?

By the orders of Allah, no one is permitted to make drawing of Mohammad (S.A.W). The reason being: Mohammad (S.A.W) is the Holy Prophet of God, the subject is sensitive as Mohammad (S.A.W) is dear to all Muslims. If the drawing is bad, or Mohammad(S.A.W) is made different from what he is described in the Holy Qur'an( the book of Islam) or the Muslims feel that Mohammad is drawn ugly, it will be taken as an offense.

Who was the founder of Muslims?

Muslims are Islam people. So,the founder of Muslims is Mohammad.

Do Muslims consider Mahammad to be a god?

No we do not he is considered a prophet of God (Allah) he is the last of Allah's prophets

What prophets do Christianity and Muslim recognize?

Muslims, Jews, and Christian have the same God (Allah) and they recognize all the prophets who came from the time of Adam. The Jews on the other hand follow the Torah and the Old Testament and did not accept or believe that Mohammad (SAW) was a Prophet as he was an Arab. Christians on the other had believe that Christ was son of God, and some even take him as God. Muslims consider Christ as one of the great Prophets and that Prophet Mohammad (SAW), who came after Jesus was the last and final prophet. ______________________________________________________________ All God prophets are recognized by Muslims; including Adam, Noah, ..., Abraham, Isaac, Ismael, Jacob, Joseph, ..., Moses, ..., Jesus, and Muhammad (Peace be upon them). Christians believe in all God prophets except Muhammad. Most Christians believe that Jesus is not prophet; as Muslims believe; but they believe that he is God or son of God.

How is Mohammad worshipped?

Prophet Mohammad is NOT worshipped in Islam. Instead, Muslims use him as a role model.

Why you pray to mohamed?

Muslims DO NOT PRAY TO MOHAMMAD (peace be upon him),Muslims pray to ALLAH.

What is the difference between Mohammad and Jesus Christ?

Mohammad created Islam and claimed to be a prophet. Jesus created Christianity (though I am not sure he meant to since He was Jewish, yet being God, He probably knew it would happen?) and claimed to be God/ God's Son/ Son of Man. Mohammad claims to Muslims to be descendants of Ishmael, son of Abraham. Jesus claims Hebrews to be descendants of Isaac, son of Abraham.