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Q: Do Narcissists tend to use reverse psychology to get what they want out of you?
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Can reverse psychology be countered can reverse psychology get a person what he wants?

Counteracting reverse psychology involves recognizing the manipulation tactic and responding in a way that doesn't align with the attempt to influence behavior. Yes, reverse psychology can be effective in getting a person what they want by indirectly convincing someone to do the opposite of what is suggested to achieve the desired outcome.

What is called when you think the opposite of what you want so you get it?

Reverse Psychology

Do narcissists want you to treat them like a child?

Sometimes. Narcissists want to be waited on and catered too. Run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why do narcissists want you to humiliate yourself?

Because it makes them feel good. That's how sick they are.

Can you put psychology in a sentence?

Psychology is a real boring class..the psychology of this is not right..Are you sure you want to take psychology this semester?

What is double reverse psychology?

it's like telling someone to do something, but making them think that your intention is to do the opposite with reverse psychology, so just to spite you, they do what you told them to do instead of what they think you wanted them to do. it's mind rape

What should your major be if you want a career in child psychology?

At the undergraduate level, the major can be "Psychology" as in general psychology.

How do you use reverse phycology to get her to want me again?

If a she no longer want a he and the he still wants the she, there are three directions that he can go. One: The direct approach. Tell her that you want her; tell her how much you want her; say please, please, please, please... Two: The indirect approach (reverse psychology). Ignore her; don't talk to her; don't call (text or email) her; don't talk to your friends about her; don't talk to her friends about her. Three: Determine what it is that you do to make her not want you anymore, and modify your behavior accordingly.

Why do narcissists want your attention then ignore you when they get it?

Because that's all they wanted in the first place - your attention. They will ignore you untill they want some more.

What is reverse psychology?

Answer for Reverse PsychologyReverse psychology is when you do something and hope to get the opposite reaction. For example, if you wanted to get someone to take what you were offering, you would say they couldn't have it. This is often used with little children. For example, you want your child to have some salad. You put it out to all members of the family at dinner time but tell your child "you can't have any of this tonight". Often then, the child will demand to have it!See the link below for a description with examples.

What is psychology of leadership?

Getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.

Do narcissists plead with you to stay when you leave them?

Some do. They don't want to loose their "blood supply." LEAVE ANYWAY and no contact!!