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so it seem. for some reason cops watch red cars closer than other cars and catch the drivers breaking road law.

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2w ago

There isn't conclusive evidence that red cars get more speeding tickets. Factors such as driver behavior, location, and enforcement practices play a bigger role in receiving speeding tickets than the color of the car.

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Continue Learning about Law

What is the minor violation of the law?

A minor violation of the law is typically a non-criminal offense that results in a small penalty or fine. It may include infractions like speeding tickets, parking violations, or minor trespassing. These violations are generally considered less serious than criminal offenses and do not result in a criminal record.

What are some violations of Korean laws and regulations?

Some common violations of Korean laws and regulations include traffic violations such as speeding or running red lights, illegal parking, drug use or possession, assault, theft, and fraud. Additionally, violations related to tax evasion, corruption, and environmental regulations are also prevalent.

Who can legally go through a red traffic light?

In general, emergency vehicles such as ambulances, police cars, and fire trucks have the legal authority to go through a red traffic light when responding to emergencies. However, they must do so cautiously and ensure that it is safe to proceed.

What is anti red tape law?

The Anti-Red Tape Act (ARTA) is a law in the Philippines aimed at cutting bureaucratic red tape and streamlining government processes to make them more efficient and citizen-friendly. It mandates government agencies to simplify procedures and remove unnecessary requirements to improve public service delivery. ARTA also sets deadlines for processing various transactions to prevent delays and improve overall service quality.

Where did the term red rope originate for expandable file folders?

The term "red rope" for expandable file folders likely originated from the color and material used in the construction of the rope-like cord that ties the folder closed. The red color and durable nature of the rope make it distinctive and easy to identify among other folders.

Related questions

Do red cars get more speeding tickets than any other color of car?

It's proven that red cars have 3 more accidents than yellow cars every year. I have heard that one ALL my life, yellow being #2.

If I purchase my Dodge Charger in red, would I be more likely to get a ticket?

It is a myth that red cars get more tickets. Police Officers do not target cars because of their color.

Do red cars get more tickets?

Yes and they have higher insurance if its a sports car and if your male. Id Get a darker shade of red.

What is your favorite color of Malibu vehicle?

My favorite color of Malibu vehicle would be red. It looks great on the 2010 Chevy Malibu. However, I have heard that cops single out red cars for speeding tickets quite frequently.

How safe is a red car?

As safe as any other color for a car. It is the driver, not the car that determines how safe it is. Red cars do get more tickets.

If 23 black cars 9 red cars 17 blue cars 25 white cars and 21 silver cars how many more white and blue cars are there than sliver and red?

There are 12 more white and blue cars then there are silver and red.

Are there more red cars?

what do you mean? if u just mean red cars in general then uhhh....yeah.

Why do red cars get into more acccidents than any other cars?

Statistically, the people that buy red cars are not careful drivers and get into more accidents because of this. Its based on statistics.

Why do red cars cost more than other cars of the same model?

Red is probably the most desirable color and red paint is more expensive than most.

Does a speeding or red light violation caught in camera in Louisiana go on your record and make insurance go up?

Yes! The only exception is if you live in MA. They don't consider out of state tickets on their record.

There are 2 red cars and 3 bule cars. the 5 cars contain a total of 12 people.No car has more then 4 people.verey car has at least 1 person. the only cars with the same number of people are the red cars. how many people are in 1 red car?


Does a ticket for running a red light speeding and no drivers license effect auto insurance in san antonio?

Yes, Tickets for speeding and careless driving such as ignoring red lights, posted speeds and ignoring other drivers responsibilities such as licensing and insurance could indicate to an insurance company that you are a negligent high risk driver and will likely result in high auto insurance rates for you.