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The population of Scotland is around 5.3 million and the population of the Republic of Ireland is about 4.6 million.

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Q: Do Scotland have a higher population than the Republic of Ireland?
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Are there more redhaired people in Ireland then there are in Scotland?

I don't have the numbers, but I believe the %age is higher in Scotland.

What area of Scotland supports a higher percentage of the population?

the lowland

Why has population in Ireland gone higher?

It is simply because more people have moved to Ireland and more people are being born in Ireland.

Why did the Scots want their own parliament?

Because it's a country separate from England, Wales, and Northern Ireland within the united kingdom. And because we actually wanted a say in what our government does. (whereas beforehand, Scots rarely got a say in what happened in Scotland because the higher population of England would usually overshadow the votes in Scotland)

Is Northern Ireland the richest part of Ireland?

On a per capita basis they are closely matched as NI is part of the UK the per capita income was higher in NI for most of the time. During the Celtic Tiger period in the Republic of Ireland it was higher until the recent downturn when it fell back again

What is better Scotland or England?

Neither is better, the both have strength's and weaknesses England has a higher population than Scotland Scotland is the Wildlife capital of Europe that is just 1 of many examples PS: Im Scottish

Where people live the most in UK?

The highest concentration of population is in southeast England. For example, the population of London alone is 50% higher than the whole of Scotland.

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Coalition of Higher Education Students in Scotland was created in 2001.

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Georges Moyen is the Minister of Higher Education for the Republic of the Congo.

Where was 'the troubles' in Ireland taking place?

The troubles mainly took place in Northern Ireland. There were some incidents in the Republic of Ireland and in Britain, though these were rare. Incidents during the troubles were sporadic, not daily open combat as often perceived. So even in Northern Ireland, there could be days or weeks or even months between incidents. As they took place in different parts of Northern Ireland, an individual place might not have an incident for a very long time and some parts never had one. Incidents were more common in areas of higher population, so the bigger towns and cities, like Belfast and Derry.

How popular is Gealic football?

In a general sense, not a lot. Although up in the higher regions of Scotland it is rather popular and in rare spots the main sport. Also with Ireland it has some importance but Football (soccer) and Rugby seem to be favoured.

Are the Cliffs of Moher the biggest cliffs in Ireland?

No. There are higher cliffs along Ireland's west coast.