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Q: Do Sikh burn the dead bodies of the babies?
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Do Sikh's burn dead bodies?

The Sikhs accept cremation as their way of disposing the dead bodies. That stems from the notion that a soul separates from the body when someone dies.

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they burn the bodies after

Do lions like their babies?

No instead they kill them and rape their dead bodies

What do Parsis people do to their dead bodies?

parsis do not burn or burry dead people.they dispose the bodies in the tower of silence where vulture come and eat their flesh.

What were 'Hitler's incinerators'?

They were the incinerators that he used to burn the bodies of 6000000 dead and living jews.

Exhume in schindlers list?

When they exhumed bodies, that meant that they would dig up the dead bodies from the ground and prepare to burn them. It's a verb.

Why do Sikhs burn dead bodies?

The Sikhs Burn The dead because once the soul has left the body they believe the body is nothing. They sprinkle the remains of ash into a flowing river to give the remains of their body back to nature.

Who would burn the Jews' bodies after they were dead?

There were Jews in the camps that were given the job of cremating the other dead Jews in return for living slightly longer. Their title was Sonderkommando.

Why don't Muslims burn dead bodies?

The first person killed (Habeel) was not burnt. He was buried. All heavenly religions require the dead ones to be buried. The Hindus started burning dead bodies when Raja Ashoka killed about 1,00,000 people in a battle. It was found difficult to bury them.

What Happens To Our Bodies After We Die?

Our bodies after death decompose and disintegrate. Hindus burn dead bodies on the fire pyre others bury them in the grave.

What is in a pyramid?

Dead Bodies. The pyramids protected the dead bodies.

Who mummifies the dead bodies?

Embalmers mummifies the dead bodies.