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Yes, this is very coomon

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Q: Do Some flowers have a complete set of male and female parts for fertilization?
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What are flowers containing both male and female reproductive parts called?

Flowers that have both male and female parts are complete flowers. The male part is the pollen from the stamen. The female part is the "pistol-packing mama."

Is a gladolia flower complete or incomplete?

Gladiolus is a complete flower. The flowers have both male and female parts. There are no separate flowers for male and female. There are no separate male and female plants for gladiolus.

What parts of a flower are needed for reproduction?

Ok, first off: know that there are both 'complete' and 'incomplete' flowers. Incomplete flowers are comprised of only male or only female parts, whereas complete flowers have both. The female parts of the flower are the ovary, eggs, pollen tube, pistil, and stigma. The male parts of the flower are the stamen, anthers, and pollen. The eggs of the flower are kept in the ovary; pollen from other flowers' anthers and stamens is received by the stigma and filters down through the pollen tube. The pollen fertilizes the eggs; fertilization is complete.

Draw and label a picture of the parts of a flower Then write the steps between pollination and fertilization?

The flower is the seed producing part of a plant and its function is reproduction. Often flowers have both male and female reproductive organs--these flowers are called complete or perfect flowers. Some flowers have either male or female reproductive parts--these flowers are called incomplete or imperfect. Flowers have brightly colored, and often scented, external parts that are used to attract insects. The insects

Are tulips perfect or imperfect flowers?

Tulips are considered perfect flowers. These flowers have male and female reproductive parts, known as the androecium and gynoecium, which makes them complete.

What is the self fertilization of flowers?

Yes. A plant that has both female and male reproductive parts, and many angiosperms do, can self fertilize and reproduce that way. Still, the reproductive parts are not aligned properly for this to be the preferred method of fertilization.

What are the parts of flowers involved in fertilization?

The female parts of the flower are the ovary, eggs, pollen tube, pistil, and stigma. The male parts of the flower are the stamen, anthers, and pollen. The eggs of the flower are kept in the ovary; pollen from other flowers' anthers and stamens is received by the stigma and filters down through the pollen tube. The pollen fertilizes the eggs; fertilization is complete.

What is the function of angiosperm flowers?

The flowers of the angiosperm are reproductive organsoften containing both male and female reproductive parts.

Is datura is a complete flower?

Dandelions are incomplete because they have bracts instead of sepals.

Why is gumamela flower is complete flowers?

The gumamela is a complete, as well as a perfect flower. It has all the sterile parts such as the sepal and petal. It also has the fertile parts of a flower namely the androecium and gynoecium.

What is the difference between complete flowers and incomplete flowers?

Incomplete flower One which lacks any one or more of these parts; calyx, corolla, stamens, and pistils. And Complete flowers contain both the male and female parts (stamen and pistil) as well as sepals and petals. Hope it helps

Characteristic of flowering plants?

Flowering plants bear flowers. Flowers bear male & female reproductive organs. The ovules in female plants after fertilization develop into seeds. The seeds are mainly formed for dispersal and overcoming hostile weather conditions.