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Acttually I have found the males are nicer than the females my males have never bitten me and ALL My females bite.

hi my names amber, i have had a male syrian hamster named teddy that unfortuanitly died Friday 10th June 2011. I brought a new hamster later that day. I asked for a male ( because my last hamster teddy didnt bite and was lovely) I picked one out and i have had now had it for 2 days and i have checked it and it turned out to be a female who I have called honey, anyway my couson Lois has a syrian female hamster to (Lucy) she is very vicious( she is a baby) and my new female hamster is not.... so i say most female hamsters do bite more than males.... its best to get a male..... amber

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Q: Do Syrian hamsters that are males bite more than the females?
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are Syrian hamsters good to keep?

Syrian hamsters are good to keep for older and more responsible children. Parents should also be mindful that Syrian hamsters may nip or bite if they do not wish to be bothered.

Which hamster is more social and friendly?

Syrian hamsters, dwarfs are more likely to bite

Do female hamsters bite a lot?

Female hamsters are usually more grumpy than males, but that doesn't mean female hamsters are worse pets than males!

Are Syrian hamsters the same as golden hamsters?

A Syrian Hamster is a normal hamster and yes

What is your favorite hamster breed?

syrian hamsters are best i would say but they are known to bite. although mine has never bitten me.

What is better a male or female Syrian hamster?

I have read that a female hamster's hormones kick in every couple of days. This makes them very mean weekly. If I were you I would go with a male. You are much safer on getting a nicer hamster if you get a male. I would recommend a Syrian hamster. They are the nicest of all the hamster breeds. DO NOT keep them in the same cage. Syrian hamsters DO NOT get along with their own breed!!

Do Syrian hamsters bite their mates?

Depends If its a girl or boy if its a girl it will either mate or fight if its a boy they probably will fight! hope i helped!

Are teddy hamsters easier to pick up than other hamsters?

Teddy/Plush hamsters are easier to pick up than live hamsters. Live hamsters move and may bite unlike teddies that stay still. . Syrian Hamsters (sometimes called TeddyBear Hamsters at Petstores) move slower than dwarf hamsters so they usually are easier to pick up. Also, they usually are less likely to bite, but they aren't too different from dwarf hamsters.

What is the baddest hamster?

I would say that Dwarf hamsters are the meanest cuz it is proven that they bite the most. I would recommend a Syrian or Teddy Bear. They are the nicest

IS hamster bite dangerous?

No. Depends on what kind of hamster you get. The hamsters I have now do not bite. Syrian hamsters may bite. It will keep fighting with a hamster you might have already until that one dies.

Does female aedes aegypti mosquito bites only males?

The ONLY mosquitoes who bite are the females, and they bite EVERYBODY... an eual opportunity bloodsucker.

What type of hamsters don't fight?

See the Related Links for "All About Hamsters" to the bottom for the answer. Hamsters handled frequently from a very young age usually remain docile and rarely bite. Those with docile temperaments and a history of not biting can simply be picked up by using one or both hands, and then held in both hands or in one hand held against the body. Many hamsters develop untrustworthy personalities and begin to bite because they have been handled roughly or suddenly disturbed or awakened. Hamsters whose personalities are not well known must always be approached cautiously. A glove or small towel can be used to pick up these hamsters, or the animals can be encouraged to crawl into a small container, which is then removed from their enclosure. Unknown hamsters and those known to bite can also be picked up and restrained by grasping a large amount of skin behind the head. As much skin as possible should be grasped between the thumb and index and middle fingers because their skin is so very loose. In fact, hamsters can literally turn nearly all the way around within their skins and bite a handler if this caution is not heeded! Hope this helps!