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It depends on the species. They can lay anywhere from a couple of hundred to over a thousand. Not all the eggs will survive to adult Spiders though.

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Q: Do Tarantulas lay 700 eggs a year?
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Related questions

Where do tarantulas lay there eggs?

in nests and in your eyes

How do you breed tarantulas?

By getting a male and female to get together and lay some eggs so the eggs then hatch.

How many eggs does a female tarantula hatch?

The answer to this question depends entirely on the species of the spider in question. Generally speaking, spiders will lay anywhere between 1 - 3,000 eggs. Size is the largest factor determining egg numbers. An average-sized spider will lay around 100 eggs.

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700 eggs

Do tarantulas give birth?

Spiders do not 'give birth' they lay eggs ! The spider spins a cocoon from the silk it produces from the spinnerets - where it deposits the eggs, which are left to hatch on their own. Some species of spider will actively 'guard' their eggs from predators.

How long does it take for Mexican red knee tarantulas to be born?

Tarantulas lay eggs - which hatch in 6-8 weeks. While the eggs are developing, the female will actively 'guard' the egg-sac.

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Does the Ulysses butterfly have babies?

Yes, in fact they can lay from 700 eggs to 1000 eggs.

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a ostrich can lay 25 eggs in a year

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A range of 300 to 700

Do lady beetles die after they lay their eggs?

No. Lady beetles lay anywhere between 700 and 2000 eggs over their 100-day lifetime.

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i don't think they lay eggs