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A probationer, regardless of the reason why he/she is on probation, can be subject to random UA screenings. Valium is a Benzodiazepine and would be considered "illegal" unless the probationer has a valid prescription for it. ALL states test for drugs and Benzo's are usually one of the main drugs they test for, as it is considered to be highly addictive.

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Q: Do Tennessee state probation officers test for Valium?
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Who pays a probation officer?

There are Probation Officers and then there are Federal Probation officers... Who pays them? The goverment! As a Probation officer i get paid by the State and enjoy all the health benefits that the state offers.

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Depending on the state it would be the chief probation officer or the judge.

Can you hunt in NH if you are on probation in PA for a misdeamor?

no you cant leave the state while on probation unless you get permission from your probation officer or you will go to jail and most probation officers will tell you that you can't have any weapons while on probation

How much do you get for being a probation officer?

Probation officers, for the most part, are civil service employees of the government. Their salary scale is set by law and can differ widely from area to area and state to state.

How much does a probation officer get paid in Maryland?

Probation officers are civil servants and can work either for the State of MD or one of the counties. Their salary scales are public record.

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well in Utah the probation officers can only search the person who is on probation also the probation officer can only search the rooms that the probationer has axcest to they cannot search the probationers wife or girlfriends purse or persons unless he has probable cause to do so and yes that goes for Idaho also

Does there have to be a search warrant for a probation search?

If the probation officer is conducting the search then he must be there for it. Every state has its own procedures for conducting searches on their probation clients. Police generally cannot assist probation officers with their search, but probation officers can assist police with theirs. But police must still have a search warrant, while probation officers don't-- IF such search is allowed as part of the subject's condition of the probation. In practice, however, probation officers don't help police with their search because they can easily and unknowingly contaminate the evidence or crime scene. Probation officers' searches generally have a different purpose than police searches. If you're asking if the subject's probation officer must be there to conduct a search, then generally yes, they cannot substitute another probation officer for the subject's assigned PO.

Is there a statute of limitations on state probation in Tennessee?

The government gauges differently if the defendant is charged and subject to probation. However, it is 2 to 10 years in Tennessee. There are no statues of limitations for violation of probation.

What's interesting about being a probation officer?

According to the law of justice association Probation officers receive more than $50,000 of pay, a year. Depends where. The State of Missouri pays about 33,000.

Can a probation officer drug test spouse not on probation?

Probation officers have different powers in each state. Here in Louisiana, felony probation officers are fully commissioned POST certified, gun toting police officers with full powers of any police officer. You can get into probable cause issues though. Not only is every state different, every judicial court system within the state seems to lean different ways in it's interpretation of the laws.Okay, to simplify this: yes, in some states POs are law enforcement officers. In all states they are representatives of the state and court officers. As such, any activites in which they engage with others who are not under their supervision falls under the Constitution. That is, without very specific probable cause or a warrant, they have no search or siesure authority over anyone.If confronted, say nothing, simply do not speak, and call an attorney.

Is a speeding ticket a violation of probation for a first DWI offense in the state of Texas?

Generally minor traffic violations do not cause your probation to be violated. It depends on how tightly the probation agreement is drawn. Most traffic tickets do not even show up on a probation officers radar, although you are required to self report the ticket to your probation officer.

Can you become a probation officer after you've been convicted of a DUI?

The only way to find out the answer to this question OS to contact YOUR state's agency that employes Probation and Parole Officers and ask about the necessary job requirements and disqualifications.