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Yes, the Earth and Moon both exert a gravitational force on each other. This force is responsible for the Moon orbiting around the Earth.

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Q: Do The Earth and Moon both exert a gravitational force on each other?
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Does the earth and the moon exert a gravitational force on each other?

no they don't

What force do the sun and the moon exert on the earth?

They exert Gravitational Force on each other. It is a force which is directly proportional to Mass of the object

Only the earth exerts gravitional force on all object is it true?

No, all objects with mass exert a gravitational force on each other according to Newton's law of universal gravitation. This means that not only does Earth exert a gravitational force on objects, but objects also exert a gravitational force on Earth and on each other.

Only the earth exerts gravitional force on all object is it true or false?

False. All objects with mass exert gravitational forces on one another. So, while the Earth exerts a gravitational force on objects, those objects also exert a gravitational force on the Earth.

Out of the Sun Earth the Moon and a Book which one exert the stronget gravitational force on you?

The Earth exerts the greatest gravitational force on you because it is the most massive object you are closest to. The Earth exerts a force equal to your weight. The other objects exert gravitational forces but are not very noticeable because they are either low in mass or separated from you by great distance.

Why do the earth and the sun exert on the other?

I assume you mean, why do they exert gravitational attraction. ANY object with mass, so any object, exerts such a force on ANY other mass.

How does the earths radius affect the gravitational force on a object at its surface?

The gravitational force on an object at the Earth's surface is directly proportional to the mass of the Earth and inversely proportional to the square of the Earth's radius. This means that as the Earth's radius increases, the gravitational force on an object at its surface decreases.

Why does earth exert such a strong force of gravity?

Answer #1: A gravitational force exists between every two masses. Answer #2: When you hold something in your hand and then let go of it, what usually happens to it ? What does this tell you ? Yes, Earth does exert gravitational force on anything with mass.

Does the Sun exert a gravitational force on the Moon?

Yes, the Sun exerts a gravitational force on the Moon. This gravitational force contributes to the Moon's orbit around the Earth and influences its motion, causing various phenomena such as tides on Earth.

Do Objects of any size exert a gravitational force.?

Yes, objects of any size exert a gravitational force. However, the strength of the gravitational force depends on the mass of the objects and how close they are to each other.

What is gravitational force in simple words?

Gravitational force is the force of attraction that objects with mass exert on each other. It is responsible for keeping objects like planets in orbit around the sun and for creating tides on Earth. The strength of gravitational force depends on the mass of the objects and the distance between them.

What all masses exert on other masses?

All masses exert a gravitational force on other masses, causing them to attract each other. The strength of this force depends on the masses of the objects and the distance between them, as described by Newton's law of universal gravitation. This force is responsible for phenomena such as orbits of planets around the sun and the attraction between objects on Earth.